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'Perhaps the most influential climate science contrarian' (Nature). Trump EPA transition. Biostat. Atty. Fund mgr. FOX News contrib. Founder,

Apr 6, 2022, 55 tweets

I will be live tweeting today's House Democrat Inquisition of Big Oil on gasoline price gouging.


Fact Sheet:… 1/

.@RepDianaDegette admits that gasoline prices are driven by oil prices.

But doesn't understand that oil is priced in the future, which is different than gasoline prices today. 2/


Biden owns the soaring oil and gasoline prices.

And he is willfully failing to do anything about it. 3/


Biden is taking a 'whole of government approach' to attack the oil industry.

Biden emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine... and so owns all of high gasoline prices.



Biden's "anti-fossil fuel policies are driving soaring gasoline prices." 5/

Democrat @FrankPallone accuses oil industry of 'ripping off' consumers by willfully keeping production low.

Totally ignores Biden's discouragement of oil production.

Parrots #9000LeasesDodge

Fact Sheet:…


Democrat @FrankPallone says you can avoid high gas prices by buying an EV -- for an average cost of $60,000.🙄

Questions patriotism of oil companies.


GOP Rep. @cathymcmorris:

"This is not the 'Putin price hike'; it's the 'Biden price hike'."

"Biden's price hikes are a feature, not a bug, to usher in a green revolution." 8/


Biden is begging adversaries to increase oil production while working to shutdown US producers. 9/

Climate bedwetting BP CEO under oath:

Gas prices are driven by oil prices, which is a volatile global commodity.


Chevron CEO under oath:

"We do not control the market prices of oil or gasoline and have no tolerance for price gouging."


Because of climate idiocy, half of Chevron's new capital spending is going to renewables vs. more oil. 😠 12/

Devon Energy CEO under oath:

"We do not have significant influence over the price of our products."


Exxon Mobil CEO under oath:

"If we want to reduce prices, we must increase supply."

"Prices are set by supply and demand, not individual companies."


Pioneer CEO under oath:

"We do not set the sales price of our products. They are set by international markets."


Shell USA President under oath:

"Oil is a global commodity. Shell does not set the price of oil or gasoline. It would be illegal to do so."


All Big Oil CEOs have now denied under oath gouging consumers.

Without evidence/proof to the contrary, someone should move to cancel this hearing, which has been entirely debunked and rendered pointless


Democrat @RepDianaDeGette admits oil prices are a supply and demand issue.

All CEOs agree.

Hearing should be over.

But she raves on about high gas prices -- not realizing that future oil prices are different than today's gas prices and so price changes lag.


.@RepMGriffith polls each Big Oil CEO under oath whether or not they are price gouging.

All deny.

Absent evidence to the contrary, the hearing should be over. 19/

Comrade Democrat @FrankPallone attacks oil companies for $77 billion in profits in 2021.

Demands oil companies reduce dividends and stock buybacks.



Rep. @cathymcmorris:

Biden policies have resulted in oil production cuts of 1.5 million barrels per day.


H.R. McMaster:

Putin is funding anti-fossil fuel green activists. 22/

Democrat @RepAnnieKuster:

Accuses oil companies of 'ripping off consumers.'

Offers no evidence.

Irresponsible demagoguery.


GOP Rep @michaelcburgess:

To increase production, Biden needs to rescind 'anti-energy Executive orders.' 💯



Offers no evidence of gasoline price gouging at House Democrat Big Oil Inquisition.

Doesn't even ask any CEO a question.


GOP @RepMcKinley:

"The Biden administration is conducting a war against fossil fuels... no wonder the market is nervous."


Empty-headed and empty-handed @RepSchakowsky:

Wildly accuses oil companies of price gouging.

Offers no evidence.


GOP @USRepLong:

Biden campaigned on decimating US energy production and oil pricing is based on future outlook.

"This hearing today doesn't make a lot of sense to me."


Democrat Comrade @RepPaulTonko:

Wildly accuses Big Oil of funding Putin.

Offers no evidence of price gouging.


GOP @USRepGaryPalmer:

Last fall, House Democrats accused Big Oil of producing too much oil.


Democrat Comrade @RepRaulRuizMD to oil companies:

'You are ripping Americans off.'

No evidence offered.


GOP @DrNealDunnFL2:

As Russia massed forces on Ukraine's border, Biden continued to take action against our domestic energy industry.

Biden's green policies are making us increasingly dependent on Communist China.


Democrat Comrade @RepScottPeters:

Offers no evidence of price gouging by Big Oil.

Raves on about methane emissions, which is irrelevant to climate.…


GOP @RepJohnJoyce:

Biden gave into green groups to block US energy production and made us beholden on foreign autocrats.

Need to stop talking about how to attack the US oil industry in favor of figuring out how to produce more oil.


Democrat Comrade @RepKimSchrier:

Oil company profits = 'Gouging' and 'Profiteering'

Offers no evidence of either.


Democrat Comrade @RepLoriTrahan:

Accuses oil companies doing business with Russia after the invasion and 'manipulating' the oil supply.

Offers no evidence of price gouging.


Democrat Comrade @RepOHalleran:

Oil companies are 'heartless.'

At hearing on price gouging, he offers no evidence of heartlessness -- much less 'price gouging.'


Breaktime at the House Democrat Inquisition of Big Oil on price gouging.

Not a shred of evidence of gouging presented so far by the comrade Democrats.


Democrat Comrade and former Black Panther @RepBobbyRush slams oil companies for 2021 profits.

Accuses Shell of buying a cargo of Russian oil post-invasion at a steep discount and selling it in Europe at current prices.

Not evidence of price gouging, much less in the US.


GOP Rep @SteveScalise:

Biden campaigned against fossil fuels. Has conducted a war on fossil fuels since Day 1.

Killed Keystone XL. But green lighted Nord Stream 2.

"What happens when you assault American energy? Prices go up."

"Stop begging dictators to produce energy."


Democrat Comrade @RepAnnaEshoo offers no evidence of price gouging.


Democrat Comrade Rep @KathyCastorFL:

Accuses oil companies of 'profiteering' -- offers no evidence of that much less price gouging.


Democrat Comrade and Maryland embarrassment @RepSarbanes:

Accuses oil companies of gouging.

Offers no evidence other than, "I don't trust you."

Even though dozens of investigations of price gouging have never turned up any evidence of it.


Democrat Comrade @PeterWelch:

Offers no evidence of Big Oil 'price gouging.'

Imagines lowering stock buybacks and shareholder dividends would cut oil and gas prices.


Fantastic Ohio Rep @BillJohnson forces oil companies to admit all they do for our society.


Democrat dingbat and lifelong GM lobbyist @RepDebDingell:

Offers no evidence of price gouging. Lies about oil industry getting subsidies. Dingbat.


Democrat Comrade @RepLBR at House Big Oil price gouging inquisition:

Offers no evidence of price gouging.

But asserts dividends are not patriotic. 🙄



At House Democrat Big Oil Inquisition, GOP @RepDLesko shows how Biden and his anti-fossil fuel policies are totally responsible for high gas prices.

Given the role of Biden weakness in Putin's calculations, Biden owns all the soaring gas prices.


Democrat Comrade @RepBarragan at Big Oil Inquisition on price gouging:

No evidence of price gouging... just 'CEOs make too much money!'


House Democrat Comrade @RepDarrenSoto too dumb to understand his own chart:

Biden and his agenda of climate idiocy has scared oil industry investors, so production is depressed.


Chevron CEO ironically recalls that six months ago, House Democrats demanded he drill less oil.

Now they want him to drill more... this month!



Love to hear @DanCrenshawTX defend the oil industry against Democrats.

Please Congressman, just lose the "climate," "green" and "clean" virtue-signalling claptrap.

Who cares if emissions are reduced? Can't be done. Won't be done. Won't matter. Will only cause harm.


At House Big Oil Inquisition, dimwitted @RepAngieCraig accuses industry of price gouging without evidence.

Expects oil companies to switch to biofuels, imagines they are cheaper for consumers.


Democrat Comrade @RepDianaDeGette closes House Inquisition of Big Oil on price gouging.

Not one of the 25 or so Democrat inquisitors introduced or elicited any evidence of price gouging by the oil industry.

In the end, she demands oil companies cut profits and dividends.


Just as a reminder and to wrap up this thread... no Democrat at yesterday's @RepDianaDeGette-run House Inquisition of Big Oil on price gouging introduced any evidence of price gouging.

The hearing was a total farce.


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