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Apr 6, 2022, 14 tweets

Today is #WorldHealthDay!
Environmental factors - including climate change - claim 13 million lives every year.
Stop burning fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas for a #HealthierTomorrow


Climate change is a threat to human health, driving diseases like cancer, asthma, heart disease, and mosquito-borne diseases like dengue…


Burning fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas causes air pollution.

Keep fossil fuels in the ground for #HealthierTomorrow - a healthy planet & a healthy me…

🌧 🌊 Climate Change is making floods and extreme rainfall more likely and more dangerous.
Floods can cause illness, injury and even death.
Let's work for #HealthierTomorrow


829,000 people die from diarrhoeal disease every year caused by polluted water and poor sanitation…


2 billion people lack safe drinking-water globally.
Protect water sources by preventing sewage, waste and chemicals from entering our lakes, rivers, or groundwater…


Climate change is a health problem.
Take care of our health and our world for #HealthierTomorrow…

Show us emojis 🚲♻️🌳🏃🏻‍♀️ that represent your actions protecting your health & the planet for a #HealthierTomorrow

Tobacco kills more than 8 million people every year & is highly addictive. It is a major risk factor for cancer, heart, lung diseases.
600 Million trees are chopped down to make 6 trillion cigarettes every year, decreasing the clean air we breathe. #HealthierTomorrow

#DYK: A smoker produces 5 tonnes of CO2 in their lifetime?

No tobacco. #HealthierTomorrow.…

On #WorldHealthDay kids from Milan, #Italy🇮🇹 share how they see the future of health in their city.
Milan has committed to being a smoke-free city by 2025, meaning it is expanding access to cleaner healthier air for its citizens #HealthierTomorrow

We're still shocked by this - 99% - or almost the entire world's population breathes air with unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter & nitrogen dioxide, and threatens their health.
More: #HealthierTomorrow

🌡 🥵 Climate change increases the risk of extreme heat for exposed & vulnerable populations:

👥 outdoor workers
👥 people with underlying health conditions
👥 older people
👥 children
👥 poor people

Let's work for #HealthierTomorrow

Rising temperatures and floods caused by climate change will place an additional 2 billion people at risk of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue. #HealthierTomorrow

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