QiDao Profile picture
Creators of $MAI; original cross-chain overcollateralized stablecoin. Mint stablecoins natively with the value of tokens. est. 2021

Apr 7, 2022, 7 tweets

⚡️Oh MAIghty stablecoin yields! ⚖️

This thread will highlight a few options for good $MAI yields that only include stables.

Feel free to add to this thread #qimps


Supplying $MAI on the @tombfinance pool on @market_xyz for 50% APY

Chain: @FantomFDN

You can take the @SpookySwap LP one step further with @beefyfinancecs

Chain: @FantomFDN

The new kid on the @0xPolygon block is coming in hot with their MAI-USDC pool @ArrakisFinance

Chain: @0xPolygon

We have the highest yielding stable pool on @BalancerLabs on @arbitrum

Chain: @arbitrum

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