QiDao Profile picture
Creators of $MAI; original cross-chain overcollateralized stablecoin. Mint stablecoins natively with the value of tokens. est. 2021
Jul 13, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ ☕️While America runs on @dunkindonuts, QiDao runs on #Chainlink Price Feeds 🏃💨

⛓️ @chainlink Price Feeds help secure collateral values for $MAI our #stablecoin🪙

🧵In this thread, we break down why we chose Chainlink and how it helps us create a more robust #DeFi protocol 2/ QiDao is a stablecoin protocol that allows users to unlock their liquidity & mint the stablecoin $MAI by depositing collateral assets into a vault 🏦

✅The protocol needs secure market data to open, close, & liquidate loans as well as ensure vault assets are accurately priced
Jun 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
🔨We’ve been quietly building and now it’s time to show the results🔨

🔥QiDao V2 is here and introduces some brand new features 🔥

Here’s a quick twitter-thread to showcase some of those new features👇

1/9 ✨QiDao V2 will look & feel familiar for the users but allows for the protocol to manage risk better, improve community participation & maintain a strong $MAI peg

This means users will still have the normal #QiDao experience but with important improvements behind the scenes

Apr 7, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
⚡️Oh MAIghty stablecoin yields! ⚖️

This thread will highlight a few options for good $MAI yields that only include stables.

Feel free to add to this thread #qimps

🧵 Stable pool on @SolidexFantom

Chain: @FantomFDN
solidexfinance.com/#/pools Image
Apr 6, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
The next chapter of our liquidity is here 📖 Vote on @CurveFinance to deploy gauges for $MAI on @FantomFDN and @0xPolygon!

Vote links 🗳️

Fantom: dao.curve.fi/vote/ownership…
Polygon: dao.curve.fi/vote/ownership…

$MAI's love for Curve 🧵 $MAI has the largest volume for @CurveFinance factory pools on both @FantomFDN and @0xPolygon!


$26M volume in the last 24 hours