Tom Holland Profile picture
New translation of Suetonius out now! Dinosaur lover. ‘A leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Apr 7, 2022, 21 tweets

To my native village, there tomorrow morning to embark on a 35 mile walk to Winchester in aid of @DKMS_uk.

If you felt like sponsoring my niece Daisy, who will be accompanying @James1940, I would be inordinately grateful.

To Winchester!

Dawn over the Chalke Valley…

Smale foweles maken melodye…

God’s own county… #Wiltshire


If you’d like to sponsor my beloved niece Daisy to raise ££ for @DKMS_uk, we would all be incredibly grateful……

We reach the Avon…

Actually, correction, NOW we reach the Avon…

We pass the splendidly named Trafalgar (Trafal-GAR) House…

We reach the summit of Pepperbox Hill, crowned by one of England’s oldest follies

Huge excitement as @James1940 finds a pillbox!!!

A hexagonal Type 22 pillbox to be precise…


Only another 17.75 miles to Winchester!

On my niece Daisy’s behalf, thank you to everyone who has sponsored her, & contributed so generously to @DKMS_uk…

We arrive in Mottisfont, & pause briefly to admire the beautiful 12th century church of St Andrew…

10 miles to go!

And all in the best of causes!…

It’s hailing

It’s stopped hailing.

Hampshire seems very hilly

An important message…

After 38 miles, journey’s end!

Thank you to everyone who sponsored @James1940 & Daisy.

Your generosity in aid of @DKMS_uk - the best of causes - is deeply, deeply appreciated.

A parting message

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