Roger Stone Wants To Set Me On Fire Profile picture
Previously JFKannie on Twitter . I offer my assistance to anyone pursuing legal action against Roger Stone and anyone linked to him.

Apr 8, 2022, 10 tweets

Well look at this back in November 2021.
Hey Roger Stone how hard do you think it will be for me to show exactly where that CIAKilledJFK hashtag originated and how it links to You and your books that Jacob Engels was promoting in my JFK groups in 2014

Well lookie here Roger It's your CoAuthor Robert Partlow Morrow who said you want to set me on fire. In 2012 Robert tried to get his LBJ/CIA Killed JFK in to DailyKos .
Then he joined all our JFK groups and created multiple blogs and Twitter accounts.…

Hey Roger if people Google that hashtag #CIAKilledJFK with your CoAuthor guess what comes up?
Years of web posts blogs and multiple Twitter accounts that Robert started back in 2011 when whichever "volunteer' operating YOUR Facebook page messaged me.

Here's a write up about Robert Morrow in Politico in 2011…

This is interesting interaction on that Gumby account pushing the CIAKilledJFK hashtag.
It's my old friend Jefferson Morley who told me to ignore Robert Morrow and Roger Stone.
Imagine that.

Here is my interaction with Jefferson Morley when he told his readers to take Roger Stone's books seriously.…

If you search my public Facebook by keyword my posts will come up that detail my interaction with all these "researchers" linked to Roger Stone.…

Here is Jefferson Morley who told me to ignore Robert Morrow and Roger Stone having lunch with Roger Stone .
Coincidence I'm sure.
Roger has lunch with everyone.

Here are my Facebook PMs with Jefferson Morley where I inform him that the researcher that posted to JFK Facts for years said that Roger Stone wants to set me on fire.
His response.
Ignore them.

Let me ask again...
Is it time to talk about how Roger Stone infiltrated JFK research groups years ago and used them behind the operation in 2016 where they helped get those Sanctions lifted on Putin and Putin helped them with his GRU Cyber trolls?…

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