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Apr 8, 2022, 7 tweets

Preliminary list of Jan 6th Lifers

Don Jr
Mark Meadows
Gen Mike Flynn
Roger Stone
Erik Prince
Rep Gosar
Gym Jordan
John Eastman
Sen Ron Johnson
Sidney Powell
Sen Graham
Qevin McCarthy
Jenna Ellis
Rep Perry
Ginny Thomas
Alex Jones
Rep Mo Brooks
My Pillow Guy

Looking at our Lifer's list..

Let's consider the Grand #Flippathon. All of these people go to prison. Most go to prison for Life. A few lucky ones get plea bargains and go to prison only for time measured in decades

Let's consider 3 groups:

So of the January 6th Lifers list. Note there is a bunch of Congressmen. I believe 1 or 2 of this group will get a plea bargain (has it already or is now negotiating it)

Rep Gosar
Gym Jordan
Sen Ron Johnson
Sen Graham
Qevin McCarthy
Rep Perry
Rep Mo Brooks

One or 2 of above

Then take the attorney group. And I leave out the alleged attorney and part time vampire, Rudy Giuliani:

John Eastman
Sidney Powell
Jenna Ellis

I think one of these 3 has already gotten their plea bargain, the others are still desperately negotiating but will never get a deal

And then the scumbags group:

Gen Mike Flynn
Roger Stone
Erik Prince

I expect Giuliani & Mark Meadows to have plea bargains, with that in mind, at best one of the above 4 could get one, and it won't be Prince because he ran away to Dubai

And finally. It seems quite clear that Ivanka, Jared & Bill Barr have flipped & thus testifying against this Jan 6th plotters gang

Giuliani has to flip but his value beyond the evidence FBI already had, is negligable. Mark Meadows is likely going to flip too...

Of the scumbag list, Bannon & Flynn got pardons from Trump. DOJ will not be interested in any 'fair' bargains in their cases. And the Girl with the Nixon Tattoo blackmailed the sitting President. I kinda think of this list of scumbags, none get a plea bargain

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