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Apr 8, 2022, 8 tweets

FLASHBACK - On Dec 2018, #Baidoa city of SWS hosted one of the deadliest elections in #Somalia. A mass demos spurred after @TheVillaSomalia abducted presidential candidate, Muktar Robow, to pave way for its Manchurian Candidate, the current head of the state, @Laftagareen.

On the 13 of Dec, then SWS interim head, Abdulkadir Sheikhuna, summoned Robow for a meeting in the @amisomsomalia protected area of sector 3. After arriving at the main gate, ENDF forcibly snatched Robow from his car and used his shirt to blindfold him. As per the @UN report.

Despite the recently booted AU-SRCC to Somalia @AmbFMadeira's denial of ENDF involvement in Robow's abduction, incontrovertible evidence poured into his office. After that event, Amb Madeira joined @TheVillaSomalia's inner circle and furthered his vicious diplomatic performances

Following Robow's abduction, mass demos opposing the illegal abduction of Robow by ENDF and @TheVillaSomalia aroused. Following was the state police responding with brutal force and live bullets, killing 25, among them was a SWS lawmaker.

Then SWS police commissioner and current Federal Custodial Corps commander, Gen Mahad, in strong tongue, stated that his forces will kill protesters if they failed to follow his orders. Mahad, an in-law to @Laftagareen recently attained federal parliamentarian seat.

In a joint statement, @UKinSomalia, @GermanyinSOM, and @EU_in_Somalia declared the suspension of its support for the Joint Police Program and called for an immediate probe into the state police's involvement in armed aggression against the protesters.

In his report, then SRSG, Nicolas Haysom, demanded a legal basis for the arrest of Robow and a thorough probe into the 13-15 Dec deadly incident. In protest against Haysom's diplomatic mandate, @TheVillaSomalia granted @UNSomalia head a Persona Non-Grata without concrete reason.

In his recent remarks, pro-@TheVillaSomalia SWS president @Laftagareen, cites that he will quell PM @MohamedHRoble after the federal election commission disapproval of 4 parliament seats. Laftagaren will leave no stone unturned to ensure Fahad Yasin get certified before Prez poll

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