Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Apr 9, 2022, 12 tweets


I have a riddle for you

Where is Rudy? Where is the Honorable Buttdial McRudypants? Where is Sir Rudy Colludy of Giuliani?

He was a FIXTURE on the news, daily magababble & serial criminal confessions, at Four Seasons Total Landscaping (parking lot)

I have a Thread..

America's Mayor turned America's Vampire was a REGULAR fixture on our news, polluting the daily coverage with his insane claims and serial criminal confessions. But where is he? This was his LAST statement, Jan 8 on a right wing magamedia site:

Every mention of Giuliani since Jan 8, was about Andrew the son of Gary Busey; or about lawsuits against Rudy, like Dominion, or Rudy's involvement with Jan 6th plotting or refusing to show up at the Jan 6th hearing. But not a PEEP said by Rudy, since Jan 8! Nothing! THREE MONTHS

What has happened to the alleged attorney? You know what happened? Jan 22 the investigators at DOJ received all the remaining files from the phones FBI seized from Rudy last year. THAT has shut Rudy up

Totally. Is Rudy flipping? Silence would be consistent with Rudy plea bargain

Consider Rudy Giuliani flip (he will flip, he is now very likely negotiating his deal, or he has already signed it)

The FBI raid was about Ukraine extortion by Giuliani, Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman. The Three Stooges of the Trumpomobsters. Rudy worked for Putin, paid by Firtash

So the ORIGINAL crime by Rudy, is about Ukraine. It will take down Pompeo and a bunch of crooked foreign policy advisors of Trump (and Trump himself)

Rudy has SINCE committed a crime spree for Trump, foolishly believing Trump would pardon Giuliani. So Rudy confessed these crimes

Rudy's crime spree after 2019 includes the Big Lie to change votes in Arizona, Georgia etc. The attempt to overturn the election result of 2020 and make Trump King. And the plotting of Jan 6th insurrection, terrorism & picnick party for Repulsicans, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys etc

Rudy was under legal FBI wiretap from 2019. And Bill Barr forgot to let Trump know. So anybody who was dumb enough to answer Rudy's butt dialing, was caught conspiring Jan 6th with Giuliani. All 18 phones of his. And the text messages & emails. FBI has them all, legally

So if you consider the Jan 6th Trumpomobsters - General Flynn, Roger Stone, Bannon, Erik Prince, Rep Gosar, Rep Mo Brooks, Sen Ron Johnson, Sen Graham, Don Jr, My Pillow Guy, and the nutty attorneys, Jenna Ellis, Indiana Jones Westwood Eastblast Southpaw.. they're ALL screwed

But Giuliani is the gift that keeps on giving. He ran foreign policy crimes in Venezuela, in Turkey, with all sorts of Trumpomobster scum.

And then we go to BEFORE 2019

Remember the 'please destroy my phones' plea by Rudy?

Yes on Rudy Giuliani's phones there is evidence so incriminating, so bad, Giuliani begged judge to DESTROY his phones, rather than let DOJ see the evidence. That is some crimes Rudy participated in, before 2019. And most likely... that would involve his criming pal, Trump

I do not know why FBI has not arrested Rudy yet. The DOJ received all the files from his phones over two months ago.

But Rudy is UNCHARACTERISTICALLY silent. He has never been this silent, this long. If he is flipping, that would explain it :-)

Grand #Flippathon

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