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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. 😁

Apr 10, 2022, 26 tweets

1) Our third episode is the first in a series examining the affairs of Labour Party Regional Directors.

This episode examines East Midlands Labour's Richard Oliver...

See our episodes on Wednesdays 1-2pm, only on #NOTPMQs @Standup4Labour

#BehindLabour #Corruption #UKLabour

2) Before we dive in, there has been an important change in the structure of the Labour Party unnoticed by most. This has centralised the control of party regions, by making regional directors mere proxies of the General Secretary David Evans.

3) Regional Boards, which before had oversight power over regional staff, have been done away with in favour of practically toothless "Regional Executive Committees" or REC's.

4) The REC's are functionally the same as the NEC, but with none of the decision making capability. Crucially the organising requirement required from the left to win control of them, is well beyond the left's current capabilities. This is probably why the change was made.

5) This is the current list, according to the Labour Party rule book, of Labour Party Regional Directors. As extensions of the ultimate executive power in the Labour Party... what have these 'Tin Pot Dictators' been up to?

6) Richard Oliver, the East Midlands Labour Regional Director was formerly the Political Officer for East Midlands GMB Union. GMB Union is well known for being the 'behind the scenes network' and representative organisation for most (or all) senior Labour Executive Staff.

7) According to one of his social media profiles, he is a follower of the Tony Blair Institute For Global Change (Christian fundamentalism & ceaseless war.)

8) His Twitter profile is locked down so that we cannot glean anything from it of use...

9) His book / personal manifesto via a readers review, shows his desire for Ayn Rand style hyper-individualism by empowering tax payers to "...allocate the value of their personal tax contribution to government programmes of their choice."

This is a far right corporatist ideal.

10) As @skwawkbox reports, in a further extension of what appears to be an oddly 'Social Darwinist' ideology, Oliver appears comfortable swapping paid employees in East Midlands Labour's office, for so-called 'volunteer' unpaid workers. What do they get in return instead?😉

11) The East Midlands Labour Regional Office has a long history of being mired in controversy on the local party scene, with skullduggery and rampant claims of alleged corruption regularly surfacing against Harold Wilson house. So disgusting employment practices appear on form...

12) @skwawkbox reported on Oliver's decision to allegedly gerrymander a Nottingham East CLP conference delegate selection meeting. No doubt as part of the coordinated purge of left-wing influence within the Labour Party.

13) Before he became a Regional Director, it appears Oliver was very happy to 'shitpost' all over Facebook about party members he disapproved of, and do his best to undermine Chris Williamson and his staff. A focal point of leftist activity in the East Midlands region.

14) These images and the situational context were sourced from the website of Peter Gates, another prominent left-wing activist in the East Midlands abused and smeared by East Midlands Labour's regional office.

15) What kind of world does a person who has these wacky right-wing views exist within, in order for them to sink towards subverting a supposedly left-wing party agenda to advance their cause?

The answer? A world of bankers, developers, lobbyists, lawyers and more. 🤮

16) Oliver's LinkedIn profile was a font of information. The post he liked here promoted a lobbyist company formed by a former Lloyds Bank Comms Director, a Senior Director at the CBI & Virgin Money, and a former Scottish General Secretary & Regional Director of the Labour Party.

17) It appears the revolving door between lucrative lobbying firms and party staff roles is spinning at warp speed, and gives direct access to the levers of power within the party, to the rich and powerful the party is meant to protect workers against!

18) Another post he liked was created by the Labour Party Regional Director for the South East. Promoting a glitzy 'business dinner', to which Teddy Ryan gleefully proclaimed "Labour is back in business". (IE Sorry for the socialist interruption, the corruption is back on!)

19) The post was 'liked' by a who's who of the lobbyist world and the Labour right / foreign interest agents. Featuring leaders of the (Pro) Gambling Commission, the notorious Nathan Oswin, Emilie Oldknow, 3rd Runway at Heathrow lobbyists, financiers, property developers & more.

20) The list of consultants, and lobbyists connected to these regional directors goes on and on and on. It's a veritable feeding frenzy of grift and privileged influence... including a certain Mitchell Westra from Open Britain - Mandelson et al. Link 👇🏻…

21) MORE Lobbyists! (Has there ever been a need for MORE Lobbyists?) This post includes an Emilie Oldknow trigger warning.

22) Did you know Mike Katz was the Head PR wonk for First Group? Yes, THAT First Group. Trains & Buses. Industries targeted for nationalisation under the Corbyn government that was sabotaged from existing. Oh and he's one of the main "JLM" guys.

23) EVEN MORE LOBBYISTS AND CONSULTANTS! Oh and Langleben. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Yes, THAT Langleben. The people shown are often connected allies and deeply entwined with the lobbying, finance, construction and media worlds.

24) Finally, we feature UBER! Yes, that serial 'respecter of workers rights', exemplar of 'Labour values', being represented by... Emma O'Dwyer, a former Labour Party staffer, Portland Communications worker (Mandelsons company) and now red-washing for Uber.

25) Labour Party Regional Director Richard Oliver, and the other regional directors, are literally swamped in industry lobbyists, Mandelson fixers, financiers, and other enemies of Socialism. How can the party be in any way Socialist, when the opposition are literally running it?

Watch the recording of last Wednesday's episode on YouTube:

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