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Fighting for better biking in DC's Ward 3. Go to https://t.co/KIE1fFjrZ3 to sign up for our email list. Website is https://t.co/FAtPTjUjb0

Apr 12, 2022, 7 tweets

And here are the lightning round answers from the DC Ward 3 Transport Forum with @waba. #bikedc (watch here facebook.com/wabadc/videos/…)

Do you support the installation of a Protected Bike Land on CT Ave?

We understand that NPS will not decide about Beach Drive until after the primary. Do you support keeping Beach Drive closed to motorized vehicles seven days per week?

Do you support Councilmember Allen’s proposal to give each DC resident $100 per month as a transit credit?

Ban right turn on red lights throughout the city?

Legalize permitting cyclists to slow down and proceed through stop signs when it is safe to do so?
(Idaho Stop)

Do you support a public subsidy for seniors or the disabled so they can take Uber or other car sharing services to their medical or essential food shopping so they are not forced to drive their own cars?

When it comes to installing protected bike lanes in Ward 3, do you believe these lanes should be installed along the same direct routes available to car drivers, even if this requires elimination of on-street parking or car travel lanes?

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