ALETHEIA - Goddess of Truth & Wisdom Profile picture
An Explanation is not Advocation. 35yr Military Career. Geo_Economics Geo_Politics. Security & International Studies. Military Studies. 75% INTJ +25% ISTJ

Apr 13, 2022, 7 tweets

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update
Vid: The UAF's 36th Naval infantry Brigade has surrendered to Russian & #DNR forces in Mariupol. One of UAFs best trained & equipped units. Over 1000 personnel, of which 300 were wounded.

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update. #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineWar
UAF #AZOVNAZIS resistance collapses.
Map of #Mariupol @ 15:00hr on 12-04-22.
With surrender of UAF 36th Brigade, the siege & clearance of the city is coming to a close. Some #Azov Nazis still holed up in factory

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineWar
RF UAV over #Azovstal Factory - looks like laser designating targets for #Krasnopol laser guided artillery munitions, which are impacting with pin point accuracy.

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineWar
It's believed #AZOVNAZIS in small 4-5 man groups have been trying to escape the city. Russian Spetsnaz & Interior troops are in process of hunting them down, and have successfully interdicted several of these

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update. #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineWar
UAF #AZOVNAZIS resistance collapses.
Vid of UAF Marine POWs in custody of RF & #DNR forces

12-Apr-22 Late #Marioupol update. #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineWar
UAF #AZOVNAZIS resistance collapses.
Vid: RF Chechens clearing out #AZOV remaining factories with grenades & explosives. Was talk of flooding lower 8 levels of the big #Azovstal works with water.

Moral of the story!!
Get a 'Smart Meter' fitted... otherwise a lot of faffing about to get your GAS meter read..
If it's Russian Gas, you're using.. best you pay up.. or they'll send 'GrizzlyProm' round to collect his Rubles !!

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