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Apr 14, 2022, 7 tweets

Tirthankar Mahavir bhagwan mother's only statue is at Trishalagiri Jain atishay kshetra Gwalior in an sleeping position depicting the birth of bahgwan Mahavir.
All panch kalyanak are carved very intricately on the wall.

Panch Kalyanaka
("Five Auspicious Events") are the five chief events that are believed to occur in the life of tirthankara in Jainism.They are commemorated as part of many Jain rituals and festivals.
Events are as follow

Garbh kalyāṇaka: When the ātman (soul) of a tirthankara enter's their mother's womb.

Janma kalyāṇaka: Birth of the tirthankara. A ritual celebrating this event in which Indra does abhisheka on the tirthankara on Mount Meru.

Tap kalyāṇaka: When a tirthankara renounce all worldly possessions and becomes an ascetic.

Kēvalajñāna kalyāṇaka: The event when a tirthankara attains kēvalajñāna (absolute knowledge). A divine samavasarana (preaching hall) appears, from where the tirthankara delivers sermons and restores the Jain community and teachings.

Moksh kalyāṇaka: When a tirthankara leaves their mortal body, it is known as nirvana. It is followed by final liberation, moksha. A tirthankara is considered a Siddha after that.

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