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Apr 14, 2022, 12 tweets

Yesterday 4 people died due to Lightning in #Virudhunagar. Every year, >5000 die in India.
This thread is about Lightning precaution & busting myth.
Many think, people die due to direct lightning strike, but most of the death happens due to the concept called step potential 1/10

If a lighting strike ~50ft distance from you. Lightning create potential gradient around its strike point. Voltage will be peak at the strike point and it will start reduce from that point. The electric current will start flowing under the earth. 2/n

If you stand above the ground keeping your two legs apart, it is equal to applying voltage between your two leg. The potential between your legs will make current flow through your body (e.g. current flow from ground to your left leg, hip, right leg then back to the ground), 3/10

Standing cows are the easy target for the lightning kill. Current flow from their one side leg to other side leg, thats why you hear so many cow deaths due to lightning. Depends on the intensity lightning can kill 1 km from its strike point. Lighting hitting far, affects u. 4/10

There are precaution, Use 30-30 rule to check, "Are you in the vicinity of thunderstorm?". If you notice some lightning(light), start counting upto 30, if you hear thunder (boom sound) before 30, then you are near to major thunderstorm, go inside closed place wait for 30min 5/10

if hear thunder after 30, it is bit far. Even inside home, you are not fully safe, Stay away from any concrete wall & floor, touching the wall may lead to touch potential, do not use any equipment "connected" to powerline. Lighting can hit outside power line, enters ur home 6/10

Mobiles/battery powered electronics, that are not connected to main power is safe to use during lightning inside closed space. "Mobile not connected to charger is SAFE". Do not stay near to any tall objects like tree, concrete wall, metallic object.
Under the tree is big no 7/10

If you are in open field in an unavoidable situation during heavy thunderstorm, just sit down & make sure reduced body area contact with ground like a ball(less distance between your legs). Ensure as less body height as possible.
Just avoid being in open field 8/10

If you have to walk during thunderstorm to reach nearest close building, then keep your leg closed & jump like an rabbit. Donot spread your leg, do not wave your hands, keep your hands near to your body. It is to ensure, ur leg or hand is not spread to avoid step potential 9/n

If you are inside a car, stay inside. If lightning strike a car, your car body will distribute the current away. If U want to come out, donot come out one leg at a time, close both leg & jump like rabbit. Do not touch or open your water tab, use only stored bucket water. 10a/10

Lots of wildlife and people die due to step potential. Probability of lighting directly hitting you is low but you standing near strike point and affected by step potential is high. Any hand held device not connected to socket is safe to use inside home . Thank You 10b/10

Here, red cross symbol is to represent danger

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