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the diaries: https://t.co/RE1RLeZiL4

Apr 15, 2022, 30 tweets

little joy

#sunshin short au

# disclaimers!
bxg konten especially sunshin, written in bahasa and sundanese, may containing harsh words, ignore time stamps and any typos. happy reading!

# 01.

# 02

# 03

# 04

# 05

# 06

# 07

# 08

# 09

# 10

# 11

# 12

# 13

# 14

# 15

# 16

# 17

# 18

# 19

# 20

# 21. vid yang dikirim ray

# 22

# 23

# 24

# 25

— end.

# open for any criticism and feedback :)

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