Dr. Monica D.T. Rysavy Profile picture
Dr. ² | Expert in EdTech & Course Design 🍎 COO @ an Online Edu Co. 📌 Former Higher Ed Director & Prof 👩‍🏫 Passionate about Lifelong Learning 📚 1L @ UNH Law

Apr 15, 2022, 8 tweets

Since this () seems to be resonating with people (thank you so much for the kind feedback! 😀), I'm working on a blog post that will describe how to set this up in detail.

I'll share the workflow graphics as I create them & then link to the full post. 1/

1st is the Academic Articles workflow. This uses @devontech & @craftdocsapp & features one simple automation (in #DevonThink) to help me find articles later. I sometimes tag articles beyond this with topics, but I tend to use tags sparingly since DT's search is fantastic. 2/

Next is my capture workflow for Twitter. This sends tweets & tweet threads from Twitter to @devontech's #DevonThink using @readwise & @obsdmd.

Note: This uses a "new-ish" (in beta) feature on #Readwise to save tweets you bookmark to Readwise. 3/

This is my workflow for non-academic articles. It includes written content that's NOT an academic article or a tweet. This workflow uses @readwise Reader, @devontech, @obsdmd, and @craftdocsapp.

Note: Most content is successfully captured by Reader, except for paywalled.


@readwise @devontech @obsdmd @craftdocsapp This is the workflow for how I handle tasks. @clickup has dramatically changed both my productivity and that of my Operations Manager, @bethenyswineha2, at @fortelabs. We are so organized together!

This workflow uses @clickup & @craftdocsapp.


Meeting notes can be challenging to manage. What do you capture? Where do you put the notes? How do you translate notes into action items? I take notes in @craftdocsapp using a "Meeting Notes template" that I created & add action items to a @clickup section.

The last component of my Daily Capture Workflow is my Daily Log. I use @craftdocsapp for this. 7/

If you'd like to review my Daily Capture Workflow in one comprehensive blog post, I just added one to my website here:



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