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Apr 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Heartwarming tribute to Bilquis Edhi:

Rabia B. O.
Senior Privacy & Compliance Analyst at Nike

Twenty-eight years ago I was abandoned in a baby carriage at the #EdhiOrphanage located in Karachi, Pakistan. You found me, you named me after >>>

your mother Rabia Bano, you forged my identity, then you gave me a home. Because of you today…I am a somebody, I have an identity, and I have loving parents to call my own. You fought for woman’s rights, you were an activist, a philanthropist, a rebel for the >>>

good cause. You taught me the power of woman, to always have an unwavering sense of self and to be unapologetically ambitious.

Because of you, a little Pakistani girl orphaned at birth dared to dream. Because of you I am an independent woman with a graduate >>>

level education and a place in the world to call my own. You gave me opportunity. You awarded me a chance to dream, and you presented me with freedom.

To the world you were Bilquis Edhi, but to me you were Bari Amma. Thanks to you I have two loving parents who made sure >>>

I had everything a little girl could have ever asked for. I went to a great high school, got scholarships throughout college, did an internship in NYS Assembly, Bronx District Attorney’s Office, U.S Congress, U.S Senate and went to law school to purse a masters in >>>

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Law. All. Because. Of. You.

For those of you who are reading about Bilquis Edhi for the first time… I want you to know who she was to me, and to all of Pakistan. #BilquisEdhi was a hero, she was a mother to so many orphans (like me) and a >>>

powerhouse for humanity.

Losing Bare Abbu (#AbdulSattarEdhi) was tough, but your loss has made me feeling orphaned again.
My name is Rabia Bibi Osman, and I will forever be a proud #Edhi baby.
May Allah Bless Bilquis Edhi’s soul and Grant her the highest place in Jannah - Ameen

For those who think this post might embarrass Rabia Bibi Osman, this post and the pictures have been posted on Facebook by the lady herself. Also, she doesn't see it as a stigma but a pride to be "Edhi baby" and rightfully so. She inspires others to take pride in their identity.

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