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The Behind Labour Team investigates endemic corruption of all kinds within and behind the Left here in the UK & beyond. Your career is our playground. šŸ˜

Apr 17, 2022, 23 tweets

šŸ§µ 1) Our fourth episode examines the controversial Labour Party Regional Director for the South East, Teddy Ryan.

See our #BehindLabour reports every Wednesday, 1pm til 2pm every week, only on @Standup4Labour's show #NOTPMQs.

#Corruption #UKLabour

2) Behind Labour received many requests to look at Teddy Ryan, because of his central role in the #ItWasAScam hostile takeover of the Labour Party. Actioned with cash, logistical support, direction and encouragement from the right wing of the U.S. Democrat Party... shocking!

3) Ryan works as the South East Regional Director, out of their London-based office (yes we thought that was sad as well), after working underneath his partner Hollie Ridley in the East Of England Region. He makes MANY lofty claims about his achievements on his public profile.

4) Ryan allegedly achieved a huge amount in only four months of working with "Join In Local Sport". We retain a healthy scepticism towards these claims.

5) Most notably, he worked for PLMR (Political Lobbying & Media Relations Ltd), lobbying on behalf of private health and private education companies, as well as property developers. He appears to be most proud of his work on the #DurandAcademy account during this time...

6) The Durand Account involved a foul Academisation scandal involving his boss at PLMR Kevin Craig, the headteacher of Durand one Sir Greg Martin, Lambeth Council and Michael Gove. Instead of focusing on teaching, they were building a leisure centre.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦

7) In return for their work squashing the scandal in the public eye and in parliament, Teddy Ryan's employers were paid nearly Ā£200,000 in total. PLMR boss Kevin Craig became a governor for the Durand school whilst the account was active. Conflicted?ā€¦

8) Ryan was also strongly featured in the #LabourLeaks document, and demonstrated his role as a key player in the horrendous treatment of Jeremy Corbyn and the left. Michael Burn notes on Twitter the local behaviour of Ryan and his partner Ridley in the Labour East Region.

9) Ryan's comments about Labour Party personalities were atrocious in the #LabourLeaks documents, and show his contempt for anyone not on board with his agenda. His conversations with "Sad-Panorama-Face-Matthews" were also particularly notable.

10) Teddy Ryan, according to this excerpt below declares that he annoyed because... "I dont like living in a world where I'm not allowed to go around threatening people as I see fit."

This attitude has no place in politics, let alone the Labour Party.

11) Regional Director Teddy Ryan's leading role as an architect of the secret and corrupt Labour Party staff project to purge key leftist activists en masse is laid bare in this sample of the #LabourLeaks documentation...


12) On a dark corner of the internet (the old Progress website), Ryan wrote a blog lamenting the Ed Miliband era "Labour Supporters" function, and critcised Union voting power within the party. Clearly, members and unions are not his favourite elements of the Labour Party.

13) According to Ryan's Facebook page, and Wikispooks research, he is PERSONAL FRIENDS with all of the faces below - many of whom you will recognise as being involved in the most egregious scandals in the Labour Party. Ryan appears to be at the centre of this particular bunch.

14) Ryan and his partner Ridley have both stood this month as District Councillor candidates in the Rochford District Elections. Is it normal, or acceptable, for Labour Party Directors to seek political office as well as hold executive office? You tell us!

15) Finally, it appears Teddy Andrew George Ryan wants some extra work to do, as he has set up a Mortgage Finance company alongside his work in the Labour Party. As far as we are aware, this has not been reported ANYWHERE ELSE, especially not to the Labour Party itself.

16) VRR Mortgage Solutions Limited appears to feature an acronym in the name built from surnames of other potential founders / workers. We wonder who they are? #TeddysOneStopMortgageShop

17) It was the sharing of this final piece of information, about Teddy's 'secret business venture', that caused the Labour Party to begin the expulsion of Crispin Flintoff @Standup4Labour from the party. This happened immediately after the report was broadcast.

18) It appears we have a struck a nerve, and that Labour Party PR / Lobbying industry professionals working as party staff dont like being investigated themselves.. they prefer to sling the crap, not catch it. šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©

19) We will not be silenced, and we will continue scrutinising the nefarious people and money Behind Labour.

The Labour Party has been taken over by some very rich, powerful and dangerous people. So we will be taking extra care going forwards.

20) If you have any information you would like to share with Behind Labour, or investigation leads you would like us to follow, please email us on

21) So far we have had been presented with information about sex crimes, violence, bullying, organised crime, intimidation, harassment, embezzlement, electoral fraud and more. It's going to take time and care to work through all of this.

22) We are absolutely flabbergasted that the police, the media and the world at large have not acted upon some of what we have been presented with already. But rest assured, we'll find a way to bring this horror show to the surface for justice to be done.

23) Join us on Wednesday (April 20th) for the next episode of Behind Labour, where we will be discussing some updates to the previous cases, and displaying a working theory about some of the trends our investigations have shared. Only on @Standup4Labour's #NOTPMQs show.

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