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Trying to get back to my main job (aka fangirling)

Apr 18, 2022, 8 tweets

Rurou no Tsuki/ Wandering Episode 0

I'm halfway but...Wow...they showed preparations here!
And the way Suzu and Tori talk to each other is interesting. They don't use formal speech but don't also use plain form.

#流浪の月 #広瀬すず #松坂桃李
#横浜流星 #多部未華子 #李相日

Fumi coffee trainings and Fumi first day.

Crank-ups for Suzu and Tori

They swap with the little Sarasa here. Good!

Oh...they attached floaties on his back 🤣
That's how he floats in the middle of the lake.

Oh..they auditioned the child actresses for little Sarasa with Tori. 😳

Oh.. Suzu cried during the talk. 😭 Poor babies.... they had a hard time.

Full Episode of Rurou no Tsuki Episode 0 for the fans living outside Japan.
#流浪の月 #広瀬すず #松坂桃李
#横浜流星 #多部未華子 #李相日…

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