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Apr 18, 2022, 38 tweets

The first irl MEV unconference mev.day is coming to Amsterdam.

10am-6pm, Friday, Apr 22 @EFDevconnect
8 hours, dark vs. light mode dual stages in action.

Agenda is up, ticket application ends soon, visit https://t.co/busYbib0Zv (yes, this is the link)

mev.day is co-curated by a community of interested researchers. We have iterated our agenda based on the topic of interest submitted by our ticket applicants.

Now ask your MEV questions to the speakers in advance by replying to the relevant tweet in this thread👇

1.1/ Town Hall: MEV Dystopia vs. MEV Utopia

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your questions in advance!

1.2/ MEV activities across L1s, side chains, and roll-ups @bertcmiller

Agenda: mev.day
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1.3/ MEV formalization @fiiiu_

Agenda: mev.day
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1.4/ Why your blockchain needs an MEV solution @hasufl

Agenda: mev.day
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1.5/ The multichain world is centralized 🙁 - studying cross-domain MEV @ObadiaAlex

Agenda: mev.day
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2.1/ The threat of MEV centralization: an anatomy of the transaction supply chain @hasufl

Agenda: mev.day
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2.2/ Let me in! Let me IIINNNN! A longitudinal study of the transaction supply chain from CryptoKitties to MEV-Boost to PBS @barnabemonnot

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your questions in advance!

2.3/ Fireside chats: mapping out the MEV ecosystem actors

Agenda: mev.day
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3.1/ A brief history of MEV search (to-be-confirmed) @NathanWorsley_

Agenda: mev.day
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3.2/ How algorithms and psychology combine in EIP1559 PGAs – and what likely changes post-merge @mcutler

Agenda: mev.day
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3.3/ It’s a trap @DeanEigenmann

Agenda: mev.day
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3.4/ Symbolic MEV extraction @gakonst

Agenda: mev.day
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3.5/ Convex optimization for fun and profit @theo_diamandis

Agenda: mev.day
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3.6/ Don't reinvent the (Geth) Wheel @libevm

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your questions in advance!

#darkmode "Keynote"

BoMEVian RhapsodETH
(lyrics coming soonTM)

- Piano + vocal @ben_chain
- Guitar @gakonst

brb... taking a ✈️break to catch my flight to #Amsterdam before going on to mev.day #lightmode stage agenda!

Meanwhile, if you are a buidler/researcher interested in turning everyday into mev.day - solving the mission-critical problems of blockchains, talk to us, check out our job board (YES, we are hiring!): notion.so/Flashbots-Job-…

is this #darkmode or #lightmode ???

1/ MEV... wat do next?
how far have we come since: pdaian.com/blog/mev-wat-d…

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your questions to @phildaian in advance!

2.1/ MEV on ETH2: MEV-boost, PBS, Danksharding... How do the pieces fit together?
Speaker: @VitalikButerin
Agenda: mev.day

Reply to the tweet w/ your questions for this talk in advance.

2.1.2/ Tackling MEV with cryptography
Speaker: @drakefjustin
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your questions for this talk in advance.

2.1.3/ EVM & MEV
Speaker: @sxysun1
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your questions for this talk in advance.

2.1.4/ Round table: consensus layer design and MEV
Moderator: @gakonst
Panelists: @VitalikButerin @phildaian @drakefjustin @adietrichs
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this panel in advance.

2.2.1/ Round table: MEV-aware design space for L2 and bridges
Moderator: @0xangelfish

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this panel in advance.

#lightmode L2 sequencing and MEV
Speaker: @EdFelten

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode MEVA 2 years in
Speaker: @ben_chain

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode Protection built into L2 using threshold encryption
Speaker: @AnotherJannik

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode Can MEV-like strategies impact our understanding of censorship-resistance for L2 bridges?
Speaker: @stonecoldpat0

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode Overcommitted: MEV in message passing
Speaker: @_prestwich

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode MEV at the liquidity layer of bridges
Speaker: @arjunbhuptani

Pre-read: blog.connext.network/the-interopera…

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

#lightmode Exploring MEV in the modular blockchain stack
Speaker: @jadler0

Agenda: mev.day
Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.1/ The limits of AMM Privacy and MEV
Speaker: @tarunchitra

Blogpost: ethresear.ch/t/differential…

Paper: eprint.iacr.org/2021/1101.pdf

Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.2/ MEV-aware DEX design
Speaker: @willwarren
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.3/ Minimizing MEV with sealed-input batch swaps
Speaker: @hdevalence
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.4/ DKG/TPKE for fair ordering and a proposal to frontrun cross-chain MEV
Speaker: @cwgoes
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.5/ MEV Reduction via Batch Auction
Speaker: @Herrmann_A_
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

3.6/ Round table: batch auction deep dive
Moderator: @phildaian
- Eric Budish
- @fleupold_
- @tarunchitra
Agenda: mev.day

Reply w/ your MEV questions for this talk in advance.

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