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Apr 18, 2022, 12 tweets

There's a new RPG #GameFi project launching Apr.30 that's flying under the radar


I'll post a document outlining the entire game at the end of the thread for you 🔥🐉

What is so bullish about $DCAU?

Let's start with the tokenomics

- 100% of coins in circulation already
- No VC's/launchpad unlocks
- Hard capped supply at 155k
- 20% of every token transaction in-game burned
- FDV of 7.6m currently 👀

The tokenomics of the game are exactly what you want to see in a project

- Fair launch w all tokens
- Deflationary
- Low FDV BEFORE game launch
- All coins in circulation so no VC/launchpad dumps using you as exit liquidity

Gud tokenomics 🐉

One big problem with many Crypto games is the high cost of entry

We've seen this with @AxieInfinity and @PlayCrabada

$DCAU fixes this with a fixed $100 per entry-level NFT to play the game

The last 2 mints both sold out within minutes

The hero NFT art looks awesome see below

In current "boring" market conditions narratives like #GameFi can be a great r/r play

This fantasy-based RPG also has awesome mechanics on top of those 🔥 tokenomics

⚔️Leveling heroes
⚔️In-game marketplace for loot and resources

Just like classic RPG games, players' hero NFTs will have

- Stats determining their skills (mining, crafting, attack, defense, health, stamina, luck, etc)

- Inventory for weapons, armor, potions, crafting materials, etc

Everything you do in $DCAU combat, foraging, mining etc will give you loot of some sort

All items in-game are original artworks and are minted as NFTs

There will be a marketplace similar to Runescape or WoW where everything is priced by players creating an in-game economy

The roadmap for 2022 comes with the beta launch which again is Apr.30

After that improvements to crafting and the map, w PvP introduced

Land introduced later in the year, players will be able to create their own marketplaces on their land earning % of every transaction

Few more bullish things I missed

- Secured funding through the #Avalanche @BlizzardFund

- One of the earliest supporters @AvalaunchApp has become one of their main partners. $DCAR token will be launched via @AvalaunchApp IDO

As promised here is a comprehensive breakdown of $DCAU

- Game mechanics
- Tokenomics breakdown
- Articles, YT vids, Twitter threads, and main links for the project


If you found this thread helpful at all I'd appreciate a retweet

Also be sure to check out The Alpha Archives below for more info on Crypto topics and specific project breakdowns


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