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Apr 19, 2022, 7 tweets

LIVE: Groundbreaking ceremony for the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre with @DrTedros and Prime Minister @narendramodi…

“The WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine will help to harness the power of science to strengthen the evidence base for traditional medicine; …and help ensure that everyone has access to safe and effective treatment. This is an essential part of WHO’s mission”-@DrTedros

“Traditional medicine has been an integral resource for health for centuries in communities 🌍. It’s still a mainstay for some with inequities in access to conventional medicine, but also because of trust in traditional knowledge, practices & resources”-@DrTedros

“Traditional medicine faces challenges with regulatory issues, such as the lack of systematic data and evidence, insufficient financial support for research, and not enough mechanisms to monitor the safety of traditional medicine practice.”-@DrTedros

"The Centre’s 5️⃣ main areas of work are:
1️⃣ leadership and partnership
2️⃣ evidence and learning
3️⃣ data and analytics
4️⃣ sustainability and equity
5️⃣innovation and technology"-@DrTedros

“Improving equitable access to safe, quality and effective traditional and complimentary medicine services can help to meet communities’ needs and help to build culturally and environmentally sensitive #primaryhealthcare”-@DrTedros #HealthForAll

The full remarks by @DrTedros 👉

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