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Apr 19, 2022, 8 tweets

Three years ago, #SterliteCopper plant in #Thoothukudi was closed down after violent agitation.

India was reduced from an exporter of copper to an importer.

Around one lakh families lost their livelihood.

How did this happen? What is the truth?

A thread (1/8) ⬇️

1. Protestors accused plant of environment pollution. But expert study suggests otherwise.

Propaganda : Plant wastes pollute environment

Reality : No incident of unhygienic waste disposal reported. Waste generated are used in cement production, road construction etc. (2/8)

Propaganda: High level of SO2 emitted by plant.

Reality : Study conducted by TNPCB repudiated the claim. SO2 is not discharged but used as raw material for manufacturing 'sulphuric acid'

Similarly claims about cancer, groundwater pollution etc. was also found exaggerated. (3/8)

2. Realization of mistake

▪ Locals reeling under unemployment created by closure and aggravated by pandemic have started petitioning for reopening of the plant.

▪ Survey reveals how people were misled by 'outsiders' into protests. (4/8)

3. Ecosystem

▪️ Maoist
▪️ Tamil Chauvinists like Vaiko
▪️ Anti-Development activists like SP Udaykumar
▪️ PFI
▪️Pseudo Environmentalists like N Jayaram & Fatima Babu
▪️ Tuticorin Diocese

And lurking in dark is CHINA

Purpose - To destroy India's self sufficienty in Copper (5/8)

Detailed report on how the foreign ecosystem worked overtime to shut down 'Sterlite copper' an important industrial asset of India. (6/8)…

4. 'Documentary' & bid to reignite protest

▪ Just when the chorus to reopen the plant started to grow, 'Pearl city massacre', documentary on Thoothukudi violence is being released.
▪ It's director MS Raj is know to have links with people with Maoist & LTTE background. (7/8)

Copper is indispensable to nation's economy.

And Sterlite plant produced 40% of India's Copper.

We will be coming up with more information exposing Anti-India/Anti Sterlite lobby.

Watch this space !! (8/8)

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