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Apr 21, 2022, 26 tweets

Alex Jones is a monster without whom there likely would have been no Trump presidency and no insurrection. #NoImmunityForAlex 1/

2/ He is a living breathing monster who has corrupted God knows how many minds.

3/ Alex Jones employed Proud Boy organizer Joe Biggs before the Proud Boys existed. Biggs covered the Bundy standoff for Jones. The Bundy standoff put the Oathkeepers on the map. Jones & Biggs may well have introduced Stone to the Oathkeepers.

4/ Alex Jones & Roger Stone have been clamoring for a civil war for years.

5/ Alex Jones has been clamoring for “1776” since the Bundy standoff.

6/ January 6 was the Bundy standoff (Alex Jones) crossed with the Brooks Brothers Riot from the 2000 election (Roger Stone). Full stop.

7/ I wrote about the Bundy standoff & its ties to the Oathkeepers, & the Oathkeepers ties to Joe Biggs, Alex Jones, & Roger Stone here.

8/ I wrote about the 2000 election, including the Brooks Brothers riot, here.

9/ Roger Stone & Alex Jones both elevated the Proud Boys organization, which was founded by Gavin McInnes.

12/ Three amigos


14/ Alex Jones is a dangerous maniac. Listen to him. This is what is being fed into millions of American brains.


16/ As previously reported by emptywheel, Biggs breached the west side of the Capitol building, exited, & breached it again on the east side where his former employer Alex Jones had allegedly led a mob of people under the false pretense that Trump’s next speech wld be there.

17/ Link for post 16.






24/ Alex Jones screaming “1776” outside the RNC. In 2016.

25/ Alex Jones’s show InfoWars messaging “1776” in 2014.

26/ MTG and Joe Biggs (Alex Jones's former employee) messaging "1776" in 2018.

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