Yasin Dagdas Profile picture
Biologist interested in Autophagy, Cellular Quality Control, Evolution, and Membrane trafficking; Group Leader @GMIVienna @viennabiocenter

Apr 21, 2022, 9 tweets

Are you applying for #PhD positions? I just finished reviewing the applications for @TrainingVbc Ph.D. program. Here are common issues and #HowTo address them (obv. personal, always take w/ a🧂)

1/ Let me set the stage: we review many applicants in a short time. We want a-well trained, b-knowledgable people who have an idea about what they want to do (having an idea is a sign of maturity, may change later)

2/ Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to stand out from the crowd. How can you do this?

3/ Be precise and structured (see the next tweets). We 😍 people that can think structured. Avoid blah blahs like "I was fascinated by biology since I was a child..."

4/ Summarise your research experience: your goal, your findings, tools/techniques that you used, conclusion, and future. Avoid jargon and space-filling stuff like "I am really motivated". Do you think there are people that would write "I am lazy"?

5/ Don't just say I love working in a team or challenging puzzles. Give clear examples to support these statements.

6/ Tell us why you want to join a lab. Come up with a scenario that you can back up with your CV. Don't just say "I love biochemistry". Tell us what you like about biochemistry and why we are a good place to "make your dreams come true"

7/ if there are unusual aspects of your CV, which could be used against you, address them straight up. Don't assume they won't realize it.

8/ Do your best and forget about it after hitting submit. Don't beat yourself up if you don't get into your dream program, it's their loss (we are all lucky that you choose to work with us, not the other way around). You can make it work in another place. /end

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