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Apr 21, 2022, 11 tweets

SCOOP: The Evanston/Skokie School District has adopted a radical gender curriculum that encourages PK-3 students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the "gender binary" established by white "colonizers," and experiment with neo-pronouns such as "ze," "zir," and "tree."


In pre-kindergarten, the children are taught an "introduction" to the rainbow and transgender flags. Teachers then provide the basic concepts of gender identity, explaining that "we call people with more than one gender or no gender, non-binary or queer."

In kindergarten, the teachers explain: "When we show whether we feel like a boy or a girl or some of each, we are expressing our gender identity ... There are also children who feel like a girl and a boy; or like neither a boy or a girl. We can call these children transgender."

The kindergartners read books that affirm transgender conversions, look at photographs of boys in dresses, and perform a rainbow dance. At the end of the lesson, the students are encouraged to share their own gender identities with the class. "Your identity is for you to decide!"

In first grade, the teacher encourages students to experiment with gender pronouns such as "she, tree, they, he, her, him, them, ze, zir, [and] hir." The students read gender scripts and the teacher reminds them: "Whatever pronouns you pick today, you can always change."

In third grade, students are told that white European "colonizers" imposed their "Western and Christian ideological framework" on racial minorities and "forced two-spirit people to conform to the gender binary." The teacher encourages them to "break the binary."

The lessons conclude with an encouragement to reject the system of "whiteness" and write a letter about becoming political activists. "Society right now is very unfair,” reads a sample letter. "I see a lot of marches on the T.V. and I even went to a march last summer."

The curriculum in the Evanston/Skokie School District is the perfect illustration of college-level Queer Theory translated into early-elementary pedagogy. Parents have a right to be concerned and legislators have a duty to ensure that public schools reflect public values.

Here is the full story for City Journal:…

P.S. I’m working on a new investigative series on gender ideology in American institutions. If you’d like to support this work, you can become a monthly subscriber here:

P.P.S. I've posted all 300 pages of the original source documents at my website here:…

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