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A comrade. Content Creator. Consistently and shamelessly loving on JESUS 24/7.

Apr 22, 2022, 7 tweets

Checked out Figjam new features yet?(Follow thread)
Figjam's birthday party was yesterday. Party was out of this world🎉

I traveled around the world via Zoom😂😂. Met Figmates from Europe, Asia, South America..💃💃
1/6 #Figma #uidesign #FIGJAM

Figjam clocked 1 yesterday and her first birthday gift was unboxed by
@rogie king-
First Box:
Sticker packs🎁
Believe me, you need to play around these stickers, they are fun, goofy and expressive. Figmates! Stickers has been added🔥
#uidesign #figma #FIGJAM

Second gift box was unboxed by @miggi from Figgi
The Fun chat feature🎁
What wowed me about this feature is how texts with multiple exclamation marks (!!!) Quake and shake as you increase it. This is just one amongst other features.
#uidesign #figma #FIGJAM

The third box was unboxed by @mihikapoor
-Make your File more fun with colorful patterns🎁

It comes with 8 lovely patterns!❤
Some of the patterns are like fruit.

Big plus is that you can actually create one yourself
#uidesign #figma #FIGJAM

Highlight of the party was the Collage Critter game🎉💃

Like the word collage insinuates, you get to create collage of crafty creatures.

Participants put in their best in creating crafty creatures. Was a tough call choosing a winner

#uidesign #figma #FIGJAM

Had a nice time unboxing those gifts.

FiFi (Figma) still remains the love of my life💙

Don't forget to explore the Figjam features

Follow me @Yemyjerry for more contents related to @figma UI/UX Design etc.
#uidesign #figma #FIGJAM

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