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We expose the far-right of Miami & South FL. Covered by NYT, The Guardian, Daily Beast, Miami Herald & more. 📧Email:

Apr 22, 2022, 18 tweets

Today Ron DeSantis shared the stage with four Jan 6ers, many QAnon followers, at his Hialeah Gardens press conference:

-Eulalia Jimenez, Miami M4L
-Angelique Contreras, M4L + Palm Beach school board candidate
-Jenna Hague, FL state rep candidate
-Alan Chovel, Miami CCDF


Proud Boy Gabe Carrera “the attorney that rides” drove from Broward and was in the audience pointing his far-right friends.

Below we will detail each J6 participant including Alan Chovel, who will be identified for the first time here. Let’s go!! 🔥🔥

Miami Moms for Liberty chapter chair Eulalia Jimenez was quoted in the Miami News Times as attending Jan 6 while attending a Proud Boy organized rally on Jan 6, 2022 in support of arrestees facing trial.

We’ve documented her extensive ties to the Miami Proud Boys as well.

In December we documented her ties to QAnon conspiracy politics after she was an invited speaker at DeSantis Anti-WOKE Act presser.

This resulted in coverage by the Daily Dot, Politico and El Tiempo Latino.

Guess DeSantis didn’t have a problem inviting her back. 🤷🏻‍♀️

We’ve also documented Eulalia and other members of M4L promoting and participating in calls for violence on Telegram, including “Right Wing Death Squads” alongside the Proud Boys.

In late January we helped break the story that Palm Beach School Board candidate Angelique Contreras also attended the Jan 6 insurrection.

Angelique Contreras is active with Moms for Liberty and has attacked the school board as “criminal” and called for a “citizens arrest” of board members at past protests.

Angelique appears to have close ties with DeSantis administration officials like Christina Pushaw.

Jenna Hague and her husband Robert Hague #MunchkinPB, both QAnon supporters, were identified as marching with the Proud Boys and climbing the Capitol building stairs on Jan 6.

She’s currently running for Florida State Rep District 96.

Plenty of evidence and even video of Jenna and Robert Hague at Jan 6.

Alan Chovel is a Miami leader with CCDF (County Citizens Defending Freedom), a Christian nationalist group linked to QAnon and former Trump sec advisor Micheal Flynn. #SeditionHunters

The ⭐️⭐️⭐️ in Alan’s telegram profile is a QAnon reference to Flynn being a 3 star general.

Alan is a former firefighter, cross fit instructor and current owner of Shovel Construction.

He’s also close with the Miami Proud Boys and active with the Miami Dade GOP Executive Board. He ran unopposed for district 27 committeeman position in 2020.…

Moving to some the other far-right figures sharing the stage with DeSantis — it was packed with them — here we have Carla Spalding, Proud Boy lover and QAnon candidate.

Check out her QAnon interview.

Also on stage with DeSantis was anti-vaccine campaigner Elon Gerberg. He hangs out with the local far-right figures: Proud Boys, M4L and collaborates closely with neo-Nazi chat group lover Chris Nelson.

Elon recently promoted the idea that Broward schools had “furry” students.

Better picture showing anti-vaccine activist Elon Gerberg and Jan 6/M4L candidate Angelique Contreras on stage with DeSantis.

Also on stage is political hopeful Lynn Sutjapojnukul, often shortened to Lynn Su.

She’s a regular at events by Floridians First, a front group for the Miami Proud Boys + sits on the Redevelopment Advisory Board for North Miami Beach & MDC Asian American Advisory Board @mdcaaab.

Mi socio @threadreaderapp unroll and create a permanent archive of this thread documenting the far-right activists, insurrectionaries and QAnons DeSantis shared the stage with in Hialeah Gardens. 😎

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