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Apr 24, 2022, 9 tweets

It’s #WorldImmunizationWeek!

If you could see viruses you would know that they are all around. Vaccines provide opportunity and hope for all of us to enjoy ​a more fulfilling life. ​That's something we should all be fighting for.​ Vaccines, in the pursuit of a #LongLifeForAll.

This #WorldImmunizationWeek, let's celebrate life’s relatable moments that make us happy to be alive.
Dinner with friends.
A first kiss.
A first dance.
An early start to the day.
A family reunited.


Ever since the 1st vaccine was developed for #smallpox in 1796, the 🌍 has seen their unparalleled impact on health and wellbeing. People have been vaccinated for centuries, leading to the eradication of smallpox and driving down polio cases to an all-time low. #LongLifeForAll

Vaccines are one of the most impactful scientific innovations of all time, helping to protect generations of people against infectious diseases throughout the course of their lives.

A culmination of over 200 years of research, worldwide collaboration and rigorous testing has led to the development of safe and effective vaccines for more than 25 diseases.


For the past two decades, more than 1.1 billion children were immunized, saving 3.5-5 million lives each year and helping to reduce child deaths by half.

Thanks to vaccines, parents can worry less about their children suffering from devastating diseases.


Vaccines for common diseases like measles, diarrhoeal diseases and pneumonia are allowing more children around the world to live longer and more fulfilling lives where they can go to school, play with friends and make memories with loved ones. #LongLifeForAll

Not everyone has the same access to vaccines.

About 23 million children missed out on basic vaccines in 2020 – the highest number since 2009. #LongLifeForAll

It's #WorldImmunizationWeek.

Are you taking your child to receive a vaccine soon?

If you look into their vaccination card, you will see many vaccines that prevent diseases that 50 years ago were a common occurrence around the world.


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