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Organisation Dedicated to Educate People about Dharma and to Encourage Service Activities

Apr 24, 2022, 5 tweets

23/04/2022 Saturday
Krishna district
Pedana Mandal

ShivaShakthi in every village and every home
As a part of this program, with an aim to completely introduce Shiva Shakti in 20 remote villages, out of 31 village panchayat,

3. #Nelakondapalli_village

There are around 500 voters in the village Out of which approximately 50 people converted their religion.
In this village 5 temples and not even a single church.

4. #Penumalli_village
There are around 650 voters in the village Out of which, approximately 200 people converted their religion.
There are only few families left in the Harijan Wada.
There are 8 temples and 4 churches in the village.

To educate the people about these conversions, visited these 2 villages today and also distributed Shiva Shakthi's "Know the law dear Hindu" pamphlets and bike stickers.

We have introduced them to Shiva Shakti's you tube channel and made them subscribe to.

We have also added few people's binder number in the what's app group.

Shiva Shakthi Krishna district coordinator

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