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Apr 26, 2022, 7 tweets

Forensic Psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry reviewed Heard's medical records, video tapes, audio tapes, sworn declarations, Nurse's notes and met with Ms Heard 2 times -

Amber Heard was Diagnosed w/Borderline & Histrionic Personality Disorders by Dr. Curry



Dr. Curry: "The results of [Amber Heard's] evaluation supported two diagnoses: Borderline and Histrionic Personality Disorders"
"[...] a tendency to be self-righteous [...]"
"[...] a lot of inner rage and hostility [...]"


We recommend to watch the full video of Dr. Curry testimony:

"A lot of anger is expressed in this code type - actually a lot of cruelty. - They're very concerned with their image - Very attention seeking - Their instability is really driven by terror of abandonment."

Dr. Curry on Amber Heard's diagnoses

#deppvheard #justiceforjohnnydepp

"The thing that these people fear most is being abandoned [...] - They will often physically prevent their parners from trying to leave"

Dr. Curry on Amber Heard's diagnoses

#deppvheard #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydepp #amberheard

"[Amber Heard] did not have post-traumatic stress disorder [as a result of the incidents that she's alleged occurred by Mr. Depp]"

Dr. Curry on Amber Heard's diagnoses

#deppvheard #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydepp #amberheard

We recommend to watch the full video of Dr. Curry testimony on Amber Heard diagnoses:
#deppvheard #johnnydepp #amberheard

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