GSchultz, Honest weights & equal measure Profile picture
To serve Him and enjoy Him forever. Christian; Data Engineer/Developer/Analyst; BS Health Policy & Administration, Gerontology; MBA, Healthcare Informatics Mgmt

Apr 27, 2022, 7 tweets

1/When those you endear and highly esteemed over centuries held to the just and Christ-likeness of holding kidnapped Africans as property and their bearing of a lesser image as well as inferiority plus incompatibility for marriage, the conscience is damaged. @johnmacarthur @TGC

2/Cauterizing the Conscience - It is those "heroes" of the Church and America who are the progenitors of partiality along racial lines.The unrepentant embrace of such as like Jesus,damages the Conscience in whole.@johnmacarthur @timkellernyc @DavidAFrench…

3/As the testimony & instruction of that cloud of witnesses serves, in great part, as what informs the consciences of the their progeny & those after, such discipleship in error is passed forward, just as is discipleship in righteousness. Those seared consciences inform the next.

4/Effectively the error affirmed as just and Holy is an inheritance. Just as those who in the Church today affirm same-sex marriage and abortion, disciple the youth in their care to hold the same as a Christian ethic to be inherited & left as an inheritance.

5/Future generations encountering a great awakening, will be able to point back to this generation as the progenitor of the erroneous orthodoxy of same-sex marriage in the era they occupy. That before ours the point of returning to in repudiation of that error.

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