GSchultz, Honest weights & equal measure Profile picture
To serve Him and enjoy Him forever. Christian; Data Engineer/Developer/Analyst; BS Health Policy & Administration, Gerontology; MBA, Healthcare Informatics Mgmt
Apr 24 22 tweets 7 min read
1a/@elonmusk @TheRabbitHole84 @TuckerCarlson @johnmacarthur @pastoremase @drmoore @MichaelHorton_ @douglaswils @ProfGeorgeYancy @DavidAFrench @BillGates @BillAckman @JSamuelsEEOC @ConceptualJames @HPluckrose @jordanbpeterson the “Woke mind virus” Fallacy -historical e-reveal

1b/This reveals why the very Universities that were instrumental in telling exponentially more of their history in Innate African inferiority ideology,have been targets of efforts to discredit them. In doing so,the aim is to distance them from America & veracity. @realchrisrufo
Jan 24 12 tweets 9 min read
@Hebro_Steele What this misses is that the systemic innate African inferiority most progeny of kidnapped infant Africans face is fruit of 4+ centuries of the largest denominations in the nation licensing such w/ illegitimate use of scripture. Dei is flawed as have been All other approaches 1

@Hebro_Steele @ThabitiAnyabwil @SpeakerJohnson @newtgingrich @KayColesJames @MichaelSteele @bariweiss @pastordmack @ShaiLinne @ProfGeorgeYancy before children leave grade school,they are taught whose past is glorious & worthy of learning & whose is to be minimized & glossed over. Too that those men of virtue,who are their Hitlers,are godly despite unrepentantly slandering God & all Africans & keeping them as property 2/
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
@conservmillen Why 2020? There’re examples of social Justice engagement that equal/rival these by @ConceptualJames @albertmohler @realDonaldTrump @johnmacarthur @tomascol @DennisPrager @RealCandaceO @SenTedCruz @D_B_Harrison @bariweiss @SpeakerJohnson @larryelder @benshapiro from years earlier1

Image @conservmillen @ConceptualJames @albertmohler @realDonaldTrump @johnmacarthur @tomascol @DennisPrager @RealCandaceO @SenTedCruz @D_B_Harrison @bariweiss @SpeakerJohnson @larryelder @benshapiro @conservmillen & evangelicals what is actually more striking are those who were silent up until 2020 in addressing what scripture assures us would be visited upon the children to the 4th Gen of a collective of fathers that govern in evil- the Church in innate African inferiority2

Sep 14, 2022 18 tweets 10 min read
1/@ThomasSowell It's interesting that Sowell
consistently begins from the
perspective of a deficiency in any
who pursue justice. It is in fact the
opposite, those who plays
Calhoun's name had a very low
view of integrity and virtue. @KayColesJames @CPAC 2/In fact
they were so desperate to exalt
someone that they chose a man
with such Vice. Sowell fashions himself as one who gets the mind of those in history. Yet he ignores the immutable standard of God they all were subject to.
Sep 12, 2022 5 tweets 9 min read
1/Since segregation,Jim Crow & the black codes were licensed by followers of Jesus,aren’t they exponentially worse than the 9/11 attacks? @9Marks @SteveDeaceShow @VoddieBaucham @roddreher @tomascol @DavidAFrench @JohnPiper @albertmohler @johnmacarthur @pastordmack @drtonyevans 2/For evil affirmed as good by those who represent Jesus, over centuries grooms society to believe a false Jesus. @9Marks @SteveDeaceShow @VoddieBaucham @roddreher @tomascol @DavidAFrench @JohnPiper @albertmohler @johnmacarthur @pastordmack @drtonyevans @ostrachan
Sep 10, 2022 4 tweets 9 min read
1/The very clear timing of calling this out while so many evangelicals celebrate & even affirm the virtue & Christianity of Queen Elizabeth III should not be missed. Racism & Abortion. @pastoremase @ShaiLinne @roddreher @VoddieBaucham @DavidAFrench @ThabitiAnyabwil @tomascol @TGC ImageImageImageImage 2/The evil she allowed exceeds American abortion law. As Sovereign,has she used 70 years of Royal assent to stop it? @KayColesJames @pastordmack @ShaiLinne @JohnPiper @profyancey @DerryckGreen @D_B_Harrison @ostrachan @johnmacarthur @VoddieBaucham @RevKevDeYoung @timkellernyc ImageImageImageImage
Sep 9, 2022 14 tweets 35 min read
@scott_m_coley A deeper dive into “men of their times” this effectively is a systemic/structural application of grace ascribed to centuries of lying on Jesus by the Church. A time-adjusted assessment of the Holiness of Jesus in relations to the masses. @pastordmack @DavidAFrench 1/ @scott_m_coley @pastordmack @DavidAFrench The implications are systemic grace/innocence is declarable where it comes to owning kidnapped Africans & deeming them innately inferior unrepentantly. @albertmohler @johnmacarthur @tomascol @VoddieBaucham @DrStevenJLawson @SkyeJethani @DavidAFrench @KayColesJames @JohnPiper 2/
Sep 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/“Lionize: give a lot of public attention & approval to (someone);treat as a celebrity.”

John Owen
Johnathan Edwards
George Whitfield
Elias Boudinot
Benjamin Rush
James Henley Thornwell
Robert E Lee
Henry Lewis Dabney
Bob Jones
James P. Boyce ImageImage 2/..Basil Manly Jr. William Williams
When we lionize figures of the past without accounting for their unrepentant failings then proceed to marginalize other figures of the past largely on the basis of the failings,where is the justice in that?This has been the mode of operation.. ImageImage
Sep 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@davidwblight1 why aren’t the concepts of liberal & conservative applied beyond the abolition period in historical analysis? We don’t get a clear indication of left or right.Predates the concept,but not the real life presence of the @JemarTisby @woodyholtonusc @KevinMKruse Is this accurate? What would the Church have been ? How about founders?
Sep 7, 2022 16 tweets 37 min read
@DerryckGreen Not at all. I disagree with the any number of issues on either side. I’ve split my vote in nearly every election. Voting mostly Republican prior to McCain and Trump. It was then where the white church jettisoned character and social concerns as central to platform. @DerryckGreen Ok with McCain Budweiser connection, Trump episcopal same sex, gambling and abortion position. Also, the resistance to female head of state shifted with the Palin push. So , those things set aside by the @GOP made this not the same GOP.
Sep 7, 2022 9 tweets 34 min read
1/It is important to consider the full history and assess the guidance the Church provided in the way of the impending damage to the witness of Jesus in a 2016 Trump election. @D_B_Harrison @DerryckGreen @JoshBuice @EWErickson @marklevinshow @9Marks @SteveDeaceShow @tomascol 2/Continued- impending damage to the witness of Jesus in a 2016 Trump election election. @D_B_Harrison @DerryckGreen @JoshBuice @EWErickson @marklevinshow @9Marks @SteveDeaceShow @tomascol @ostrachan @johnmacarthur @hwseleutheroi @tombuck @VoddieBaucham
Sep 7, 2022 5 tweets 11 min read
@ThomasSowell this is not a meaningful analysis. Merely hypotheticals. Why not state the economics of an immoral while lawful commerce. @NRO @KayColesJames @ShaiLinne @FoundersMin @VoddieBaucham @tomascol @DavidAFrench… 2/This is sex work & it is not morally neutral, neither is economics. It is exactly why some alternatives are prohibitive.… avoiding a vital input such as ethics/morality is highly incomplete & evasive. @drtonyevans @RealCandaceO @KayColesJames @pastordmack
Sep 3, 2022 15 tweets 21 min read
1/Firing Line w/ Thomas Sowell "The Economic Lot of Minorities" confirmed ... @TheThomasSowell via @YouTube @VoddieBaucham @KayColesJames @pastordmack @Hillsdale @johnmacarthur @benshapiro @DavidAFrench @philvischer @drtonyevans @D_B_Harrison @tomascol 2/Here @TheThomasSowell looks to explain the economic disparities among minorities in America. In referencing that among African-Americans, he acknowledges the mandated dependency of kidnapped enslaved Africans over centuries under American rule. It is called out as a distinction
Sep 3, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
1/ I guess telling anyone who doesn’t like injustice in America to “shut up, go back to where they came from and fix that country, then come & tell us ho to do it” is not telling Americans looking to make America its best to “shut up or leave.” @SenTomCotton @CPAC @KayColesJames 2/This is @LindseyGrahamSC on Trump as racist and a bigot. This is directly tied to and characteristic of telling Americans from sh*thole countries they are not welcome & deeming their grievances in innately inferior @GraceComChurch @VoddieBaucham @CPAC @Hillsdale @KayColesJames
Sep 2, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
1/Read it and would never sign it. It is clearly opportunistic and incredibly delayed. Too many involved are complicit in Trump’s massive contributions against some of the core denials in the declaration, yet stood comparatively silent as his administration Advanced error. 2/As they’ve affirmed the whole Trump, by way of that silence & partnership with a denier of the triune God, youth & a watching world were groomed in the whole Lindsay. These 2 without repentance. How? Lukewarm? @VoddieBaucham @johnmacarthur @ostrachan @D_B_Harrison @DavidAFrench
Aug 2, 2022 8 tweets 21 min read
@ConceptualJames Here is the thing. God's people,long before there was a Marx or a greatgreatgreat grandmomma Marx,were acting against systemic racism/ethnic inferiority in place in antiquity. Pharoah's oppression of the Jews highlights such. 1/ @tomascol @VoddieBaucham @albertmohler @pastordmack @ConceptualJames @tomascol @VoddieBaucham @albertmohler @pastordmack In fact,America has long-equated itself to being a response to systemic injustice & likened its revolt to the Exodus of God's chosen people. The very liberty guarded is one Founders deemed provided divinely from systemic oppression like that of Israel.2/ @tomascol @VoddieBaucham
Jul 31, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
1/ History is vital because it removes the excuse of ignorance and moral error. Where we evaluate those before us & find departures from Biblical ethics, we are hedged in from proceeding in kind to repeat said errors. them. @pastordmack @tomascol @VoddieBaucham @johnmacarthur 2/The absence of history that presents those errors as the failings the represent, makes way for a renewed embrace of them. @pastordmack @albertmohler @tomascol @VoddieBaucham @johnmacarthur @LigonDuncan @pastoremase @drtonyevans @9Marks @JemarTisby @KevinMKruse @ThomasSKidd @TGC
Jul 31, 2022 4 tweets 7 min read
Individual sin of divorce,devastates a family & in fact,a whole society. So that the more of this particular sin,the greater harm society experiences. Generational impact 1/. @pastoremase @pastordmack @tomascol @JohnPiper @albertmohler @LigonDuncan @DrStevenJLawson @DavidAFrench Positive individual righteousness of godly marriage,nurtures a family & in fact,a whole society. So that the more of this particular reflection of God,the greater grace a society experiences.2/@pastoremase @pastordmack @tomascol @JohnPiper @albertmohler @LigonDuncan @DavidAFrench
May 13, 2022 9 tweets 12 min read
1 @drtonyevans @TomBuck @drtonyevans @ToddFriel @johnmacarthur this is a very instructive video & @VoddieBaucham dropped it where he said cults and not so cult. You see the use of a Christian witness to affirm partiality along racial lines is a double heresy. Using God for evil. 2/Mormon’s, Nation of Islam, Jehovah’s Witness, Hebrew Israelites are dealing with false gods. SBC, Presbyterian, Methodists, American Baptist the true God. They use His name to affirm partiality along racial lines. A double heresy & false teaching. Much different.
May 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@MattMay08060854 @TomBuck If those who advocate murder of babies is the litmus test,then a Christian can never vote Republican &that any who have voted for 90%+ of every siting congression person or any president who is GOP has already voted for one who supports exceptions rape & incest.Some mental health @MattMay08060854 @TomBuck Taken together with the fact that most Republicans office holders have been Protestant, any voting for them who are Christians voted for Christians who support killing babies in the case of rape or incest. So they have voted for Christians who affirm error..
May 11, 2022 5 tweets 14 min read
1/Here @DennyBurk points to a number of the litmus tests the Lord has. They all involve loving your neighbor or your brother. @ShaiLinne @johnmacarthur @VoddieBaucham @MarkDever @9Marks @ostrachan @TomBuck @JohnPiper @drtonyevans @Heritage @CPAC @GovRonDeSantis @paulwasher 2/Wondering how this applies over history in loving heroes in the past but despising those brothers here now. Heroes in error on partiality along racial lines over our brother we see now. We esteem & celebrate them even in their unrepentant heresy. @VoddieBaucham @johnmacarthur