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Apr 28, 2022, 25 tweets

🧵🚨: @SecMayorkas is testifying today before the House Judiciary Committee on the Biden border crisis. It's the worst border crisis in American history, and Americans deserve answers.

"It's intentional. It's intentional. It has to be. The chaos on our southern border is not an accident. It is deliberate, it is on purpose, it is by design."

@Jim_Jordan just blasted @SecMayorkas and Joe Biden's open-borders policies in his opening statement:

@Jim_Jordan @SecMayorkas "We have a Secretary of Homeland Security who is intentionally, deliberately, in a premeditated fashion, executing a plan to overwhelm our country with millions and millions of illegal migrants."

More 🔥🔥 from @Jim_Jordan #BidenBorderCrisis:

If Title 42 is allowed to expire, we could see 18,000-20,000 apprehensions *a day*.

@RepMcClintock asks @SecMayorkas: "I would like to know why you think this benefits Americans?"

Mayorkas has no answer, tries to dodge the question.

"Let's face it, we're all really border states now."

@RepSteveChabot presses @SecMayorkas on how many illegal aliens have been sent to his state of Ohio. Mayorkas says he doesn't know.

WATCH what happens when @RepSteveChabot asks @SecMayorkas whether U.S. taxpayers are paying to send illegal aliens around our country:

👀 @SecMayorkas just admitted to @replouiegohmert that DHS is asking for more money to pay NGOs to help illegal aliens buy plane and bus tickets to travel around the country.

In other words, to help facilitate the #BidenBorderCrisis.

.@DarrellIssa: Were fewer people crossing illegally under the system you claim was broken?

@SecMayorkas: "Yes. The number of encounters has increased."

Issa: So the system you are calling broken was actually working?

Mayorkas: "Oh, I wouldn’t say that."

.@RepAndyBiggsAZ: "Are you denying that you told the U.S. Conference of Mayors that 'unlawful presence in the United States will alone not be a basis for immigration enforcement action'?"

@SecMayorkas: "I’m not denying that."


"You do not have the border under operational control, do you? ... You are not preventing entry, you are fomenting entry. You are encouraging it."

@RepAndyBiggsAZ dropping the hammer on @SecMayorkas:

.@RepDanBishop: "Do you have anything to say to the American people, the victims of the crimes those people [you have released] will commit?"

@SecMayorkas: "We do not tolerate the commission of crimes in the United States."

That's...it? #BidenBorderCrisis

"I think it's telling that you got plans for pronouns, you’ve got plans for misinformation. But when it comes to the plan to remove the [illegal aliens] that have had due process, you don’t have one at all."

@RepMattGaetz pulling no punches on @SecMayorkas' priorities at DHS:

🚨🚨 @mattgaetz: "Some of those [illegal aliens] are going to commit crimes, aren’t they?"

@SecMayorkas: "Undoubtedly."

Gaetz: "So, Americans who are the victims of the crimes of the people you've released into the country are collateral damage."

👀 @Jim_Jordan: "Do you think that maybe, just maybe, your actions and your policies are encouraging migrants to come to the border?"

@SecMayorkas: "I do not."

Reminder: Biden/Mayorkas stopped building the wall, ended Remain in Mexico, and are going to eliminate Title 42.

.@SecMayorkas just falsely claimed that the Trump administration broke the refugee and asylum system.

Under President Trump, more asylum grants were issued than under the last four years of Pres. Obama.

More: heritage.org/immigration/co…

WATCH: @SecMayorkas just admitted he does not know whether any of the 42 known or suspected terrorists apprehended at our border have been released into the country.

Props to @Jim_Jordan for not letting this question go:

.@RepMikeJohnson: Thanks to @SecMayorkas and Joe Biden's open-borders policies, our country "is becoming a crime scene and we are dealing with a humanitarian disaster that would have been unimaginable just three or four years ago." #BidenBorderCrisis

"President Biden had to appoint the vice president to help you do your job. When I listen to the constituents of my district, they believe you have intentionally made our border less secure."

@RepKenBuck skewers @SecMayorkas' absolute failure on the border:

Just stop everything and watch this absolutely 🔥🔥 exchange between @chiproytx and @SecMayorkas.

Devastating questioning from Roy challenging Mayorkas on his support for Biden's intentional border crisis. #BidenBorderCrisis

"You did not inherit this. You caused this."

@BurgessOwens speaking the truth to @SecMayorkas on the #BidenBorderCrisis.


We've intercepted a record amount of fentanyl at the border. But just like the record number of illegal aliens evading Border Patrol, how much more fentanyl is getting by law enforcement and into our country to ruin lives?


Following questions from @RepFischbach, @SecMayorkas reveals he doesn't know how many illegal aliens have been sent to Minnesota following their release into the country.

Does Mayorkas have any idea what's going on in his own department? #BidenBorderCrisis

How many of the 800,000+ illegal aliens you've released into the U.S. will go on to commit murder, sexual assault, armed robbery, or other crimes?

@RepThomasMassie asks @SecMayorkas, and doesn't get an answer.

Wow: @RepSpartz asks @SecMayorkas, "Do you believe the Border Patrol is overwhelmed right now and have really low morale?"

Mayorkas: "The morale in U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in the Border Patrol, is low. There's no question." #BidenBorderCrisis

.@RepFitzgerald: Why aren't we securing the border, and finishing the border wall system?

@SecMayorkas: That's not an efficient use of funds.

This is false. Border Agents have been clear that more border wall would help them do their jobs.

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