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Apr 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Who else watched #365daysThisDay?

Stop being shy, we both know you watched it 😉

Anyways, What was that?
Here are my thoughts as I was watching the movie

7. There was no plot build up, if there was any plot at all.
The first movie ends with Laura's accident and no one chose to remember about that.
It sucks that we don't even know, how it happened? Was it a car crash? Shoot out? Explo$ion? Tell or show us something

6. The movie was basically S3x, S3x, Music,S3x, Music, "Acting", Music, S3x, Montage, #telenovela
There was great potential for a great story from Laura's accident & recovery to how she could hide the child's death from the Mafia boss, Mafia Conflicts, MobWife...

The Plot👇🏾👇🏾

“Being a good wife is one of the most difficult jobs in the world.”

“It’s why I’m so perfect at it. Cause I don’t have to do anything. They cook for me, they clean for me. Even they cut flowers for me. It’s why I’m so perfect at doing nothing.”


4. You see your husband cheating and instead of talking to him you run away with a man you don't even know and obviously cannot afford the life, they claim to have.

Throughout the getaway scenes between #Nacho and Laura, I was just like LAURA you are someone's WIFE😂🤦‍♀️

3. The Playlist was great, until it was all that was offered and started feeling like a 2hr music video or tiktok video, wish they replaced that with a story.

I hope the actors/actresses get some other movies that can explore their talents more. So that we can compare and see

2. Lets talk about the ending:

Who walks that slow to rescue their so called "loml" Where are the Lieutenants?
Great acting by the twin
The position that the twin was shot vs when he laid down next to his gun🤔
Laura's slow motion running and falling cracked me up.


1. 2 movies ending the same ending. Whereas the first wasn't even well elaborated

Was the movie bad? Is it even a movie?
Will I watch the 3rd & Final installment? YES

The #365days third and final instalment has been filmed already and will probably be released September 2022.

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