G Elliott Morris Profile picture
director of data analytics @abc news + 538. author of STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: https://t.co/c8nxYdnpks. proud custodian of a small community garden plot

Apr 28, 2022, 9 tweets

This is literally the opposite of what has happened, empirically speaking

(Not entirely sure why that’s the link that got copied but ok)

75% of Republicans call themselves conservatives. 50% of democrats say they are liberal washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/…

People keep sending this chart to me and those people need to read up on the metric. This is a measure of how *consistent* voters are in their beliefs, not how extreme those beliefs are. It shows sorting not polarization.(IIRC when I was @ Pew some ppl called it "ideocentrality")

I might be making that word up because I can't find it anywhere on the internet

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