Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Apr 29, 2022, 8 tweets

If you only did 25% of a school project, what grade would you get?

What grade should we give the @CDCDirector, since she is making the decisions with just a small group of buddies?

Center for Disease Control and Prevention.



Let's have the CDC give us some info to decide her fate.

Per Dr. Kristie Clarke, CDC's lead author of a massive serological study, found 75% of all kids have had CoVid.

Seventy-five percent.

Think about that. Whatever Post Polio Syndrome is going to hit in 5 to 40 years?

We are now all strapped onto that ride. And there was no minimum height requirement.

It just kills me that the vast majority happened on Biden's watch.

At work, if you only deliver less than 50% of a project that your company depends on, do you get a promotion? Or Fired?

Why is this scarlet letter of masking CDC Director not fired?

Transcript here:…

Let's review why.

Schools could be reopened safely. Huge lie.…

5 day isolation policy. Was a lie. Is a lie.…

Vaccinated people don't need masks.…

I called for Redfield's firing, and I'm still calling for:


From the same transcript, Walensky talks about population immunity.

Really? @CDCDirector?

You, personally and directly, allow 3/4 of kids to get infected, and over 1/2 of American adults through the policies you pushed through with your henchmen, Boris and Ivan?

But what if your population immunity exists just on a page of your "Epidemiology for Dummies?" Next, to your "CNN Appearances for Dummies?"

What have thou wrought, @RWalensky ?

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