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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Apr 29, 2022, 9 tweets

And to be clear. Criminal prosecution of all who plotted biggest criminal conspiracy in US history (Jan 6th) is conducted at DOJ, in secrecy, and at enormous resources & proficiently under Attorney General Merrick Garland. They are systematically flipping criminals layer by layer

The CRIMINAL prosecution of Jan 6th organizers has NOTHING to do with Congressional Jan 6th hearings. Garland & DOJ have achieved confessions & flips of leaders in 2 key groups of violent organizers (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers) and will take every organizer into prison incl Trump

The way a criminal prosecution of a mafia boss is done, is you start from bottom & get some to flip on their bosses, then get those bosses to flip on their bosses, on up, until mafia boss (in case of Jan 6th, Trump himself) is caught & then convicted.


Garland has conducted this CRIMINAL investigation at DOJ with excellent secrecy, as needed - you do not want criminals warned they are being investigated - and flipped bottom layer perps. And got them to rat out their bosses. Have ALREADY flipped some of their leaders. And now..

And now DOJ is using those to flip the NEXT LAYER UP. It is CERTAIN that the plotters of Jan 6th will be caught, tried, convicted & rot in prison, most on sentences of federal life without parole. Incl Giuliani, Bannon, Gen Flynn, Erik Prince, Don Jr, Roger Stone, Mark Meadows..

We have had VERY strong signs, that DOJ has ALREADY secured flips by: Bill Barr, Ivanka, Jared, and quite possibly Mark Meadows

It is clear Alex Jones is TRYING to get a deal with DOJ (and likely has been refused that deal). Giuliani behavior is consistent with trying to flip

If just two or 3 of these flip, it is game over for ALL of them, most who will confess & try to flip on someone else:
Don Jr
Gen Flynn
Roger Stone
Erik Prince
Gym Jordan
John Eastman
Sen Ron Johnson
Sen Graham
Qevin McCarthy
Rep Perry
Ginny Thomas...

REMEMBER the DOJ is pressuring the STAFFERS of these criminals. Many of those staffers have flipped and provided documents and recordings, to get a plea bargain for themselves, and ratted out their bosses

Every organizer of Jan 6th goes to prison, incl those who get plea bargain

I said the rule of the Grand #Flippathon is to flip fast, to flip first. First to flip gets best deal. & THAT deal involves years in prison. The next deal is worse, measured in decades in prison. Most will get no deal, & will die in prison, on federal Life without parole sentence

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