Vijay Patel🇮🇳 Profile picture
Bharat First 🇮🇳| Bhakt Of Mahadev⛰️ | Proud Hindu | Activist | Investigative Reporter 🕵️| Son of Farmer🌾 | Founder @onlyfactindia |

Apr 30, 2022, 12 tweets

Extremely important thread.

1. Kejriwal is playing very dangerous politics. After taking the help of radicals in Punjab, now he wants to convert Gujarat into a Naxali state.

AAP has announced an alliance with BTP. A party of Chhotu Vasava.

2. Let me show you tweets of Kejriwal's partner Chhotu Vasava in Gujarat. He proudly said that he is Naxali.

3. He is also a Hindu hater. Let me show you some tweets where he is mocking Bhagavan Shree Ram.

4. Here are a few of his tweets where he is behaving like a typical radical leftist and taking jibes on cow and cow urine.

5. In these tweets, he is again mocking Hinduism and God!

6. Just like a typical radical communist he hates Hindus but he does propaganda to save radical Islamic terrorism

7. He is a supporter of terrorists in Kashmir. He thinks India has occupied Kashmir.

8. Few more tweets against Hindus

9. Look at the language he is using for MPs

10. He is supporting Shahinbagh and Sharjeel Usmani, but hates Sardar Patel!

11. Kejriwal claims he doesn't choose criminals but the son of Chhotu Vasava has the highest cases on Him!

12. I don't think Gujrati media will show this all because they are receiving huge advertisement money from AAP.

I don't want to convert my state into a Naxali state! So Please share this maximum.

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