Ted Galt Profile picture
Googly eyes on human rights, war crimes, peace building, Open intelligence and technology. #OSINT|er.

May 2, 2022, 8 tweets

The atrocious video footage of #Ethiopia’s soldiers torturing and executing a young #Tigray|an man. Has been Geolocated at the outskirt of Belenta in #Amhara region bordering the besieged region of Tigray , at ~13.053202° 38.989869° . 🧵 more on the what's on the video

Dozens of soldiers encircled a severely injured young man (maybe a teenager ) , they keep on beating him ,taunting him telling him to smile while destroying his face , some are comfortably recording on their phone

lots of slur
“don’t kill him yet ,we want them to suffer first “
“no they don’t die that easy , almost all of the once we left for dead got up “.
There was a local girl (about 10 or 12 yr. old ) in the crowd ,the soldiers were encouraging her to stone the boy and she does .

At the first glance you would think she must have been victimized by him ,but there is nothing to indicate that
she says “he is spying , he was saying he is blind now he can see “ & when a soldier reached to boys pocket and took out some money she said

“tear it and drop it ,that's Tigrayan money(don't want to have anything with it ) “ with a disgust in her face and the soldiers laughing and repeating it , Finally, after all the stoning, abusing and mocking, one soldier shoots him dead.

who was he ?
The soldiers don’t even know who he is ,all they know is he speaks Tigrayan ,looks like that's all they needed to know, even got to his pocket afterwards
one said “you should have interrogated him he could have given as information ,it’s too late now he can’t speak

“you are from Abiy Addi? aren't you " one said
" the boys of Abiy Addi killed many of our guys "
Abiy Addi is a town in Tigary 83km away , the Ethiopia army suffered a huge loss by the Tigrayan forces back in July of last year in that area .

After many atrocities like this (many caught on camera ,they are even bragging about it on this footage) with impunity ,it should have been red flag for IC that war crime has been institutionalized in the country !

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