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Archeology, History, aDNA, Anthropology. 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴🇮🇸🇫🇴

May 2, 2022, 12 tweets

Predicted skin, hair, eye color in Italy, Sardinia. This time from Copper Age Sardinia and North/Central Italy from Copper Age to Bronze Age.

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Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Bronze Age Sardinia, Sicily.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Bronze Age Sardinia, Nuragic and Central Italy - Iron Age/Republic.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Central Italy - Iron Age/Republic, Sardinia - Punic, Central Italy - Roman Empire.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Central Italy - Roman Empire.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Central Italy - Roman Empire. Late Antiquity Medievel/Early Modern,

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Central Italy - Roman Empire. Late Antiquity, Medievel/Early Modern, Medievel.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Sardinia - Medievel, Turkey - Neolithic, Iran - Neolithic.

Predicted skin, hair, eye color - Iran Neolithic - Turkey - Neolithic - Jordan - Neolithic, Armenia - Copper Age, Iran - Copper Age, Jordan - Bronze Age, Turkey - Bronze Age.

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