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May 3, 2022, 5 tweets

"During the course of the investigation, the FBI learned that Wolfe had been involved in the logistical process for transporting the [Carter Page] FISA materials from the Department of Justice for review at the SSCI."


Did you review the [Carter Page FISA materials]? If so, when and where?

No, and no.


Anyhoo, this is the article in question. (The one that leaked the existence of the Carter Page FISA's). #Nakashima washingtonpost.com/world/national…

"Wolfe’s own office was located within this SCIF..."

"Wolfe acknowledged that he was aware of what he called 'the FISA,' and stated that he had facilitated the SSCI review of a document that disclosed the existence and predication of the FISA surveillance, which was provided to the SSCI on a 'read and return' basis in March 2017."

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