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When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor - Elon Musk | https://t.co/glwBmbkUrs | https://t.co/5Bce8O7DTs |🇱🇧 𝕏 🇺🇸|

May 4, 2022, 25 tweets

When you dial out to 911...

Your phones connection needs to be ported over to Emergency Services - Fire, Police, EMS etc.

The company controlling that process is Ericsson.

In Feb 2022 their CEO admitted that Ericsson funded & bribed ISIS from 2000-2017.

So how'd we get here?

In 2019 the Justice Dept fined Ericsson $1B to resolve the government’s investigation into violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

I'll highlight some salacious points but you should really read the whole thing. It's pretty unbelievable.


“Ericsson’s corrupt conduct involved high-level executives and spanned 17 years and at least five countries, all in a misguided effort to increase profits,”

This next part is rich...

Ericsson "agreed to the imposition of an independent compliance monitor."

Investigation or Coverup?

The $1B in total charges include a criminal penalty of more than $520 million, plus $540 million to be paid to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in a related matter.

- Law Enforcement authorities in Sweden...

The SEC to Ericsson on September 29th, 2010...

"As you know, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria are countries that are identified by the U.S. Department of State as state sponsors of terrorism, and are subject to U.S. economic sanctions and export controls."


In 2009-10, Ericsson was in hot water w Hillary Clinton's State Department for trading with an enemy state in Iran.

"We are not going to broaden sanctions on Iran to include Technologies like Telecom.

We're going to rely and expect companies like Ericsson to police themselves."

NOV 28, 2010
The US diplomatic cables leak, widely known as Cablegate part of a series known as PlusD.

DEC 1, 2010
Amazon kicks WikiLeaks off of their servers.

DEC 2, 2010
INTERPOL Office in Gothenburg, Sweden issues fresh arrest warrant for @wikileaks founder Julian Assange

DEC 3, 2010
US blocks access to WikiLeaks for federal workers

The Clinton Foundation’s outpost in Stockholm, Sweden received nearly 270 million Swedish crowns, or $30 million, since it was established in 2011, while Clinton was still secretary of state.


"Sweden blocked an effort by other EU states to add two telecoms firms in Syria with commercial links to Swedish firm Ericsson"

Telecoms control the Airwaves and the only Telecom allowed to do business with Terrorists and get away with it is Ericsson...


Joe Biden: "Julian Assange is a high tech terrorist"

Julian Assange is a hero and he needs our support now more than ever...

Oct 21, 2011
Barack Obama announces total withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

On this occasion there would be no redrawing of lines in the sand... Obama had to "keep his promises".

President says 'America's war in Iraq will be over'

ISIS faded into obscurity for several years after the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in 2007.

It began to reemerge in 2011. Over the next few years, it took advantage of growing instability in Iraq & Syria to carry out attacks & bolster its ranks.

With Ericsson's help of course!

April 23, 2012
Executive Order -- Blocking the Property and Suspending Entry into the United States of Certain Persons with Respect to Grave Human Rights Abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via Information Technology

Ericsson avoids sanctions...


So let's recap...

Since 2008, Ericsson is known to be trading with an enemy state in Iran.

The SEC knew.

The State Department knew.

U.S. authorities knew because Ericsson was cooperating in 2013.

In 2013, the FCC put the Local Number Portability Administrator contract up for bid.

Neustar and Telcordia (Ericsson) were the only two bidders.

One concern was that the FCC didn’t include national security requirements in the initial bid process...


Let that sink in...

The Government knew what Ericsson was up to and they chose to ignore it or defer action.


"Evidence emerged several months ago that Telcordia had improperly used a small number of foreign nationals, including one Chinese citizen, to do computer coding for early work on the system after Telcordia was given preliminary approval for the job."


Crazy as it seems... It's all connected.

Representing Neustar and Rodney Joffe before the FCC "against" Telcordia (Ericsson)?

Indicted Perkins Coie Attorney Michael Sussman...


Also working on Neustar's behalf is Hogan Lovells, Inc.

See my notes on that star studded cast of misfits...

The Clinton Email investigation started in the EDNY where Telcordia is... Then was moved to the SDNY.

So how corrupt is the SDNY?

SDNY - Weiner evidence collection
SDNY - Clinton Foundation Investigation
SDNY - Epstein evidence collection
SDNY - Ghislaine Maxwell Case
SDNY - Trump Tax Returns
SDNY - SEC v Ripple Labs

Obama made the appointment of Allison Nathan upon the recommendation of sen. Chuck Schumer

IJIC Leak from February

From a few days ago...

"Iran seeks tech in Sweden for nuclear weapons"

So Ericsson supports Terrorism and controls our Numbers Portability Contract...

Pretty alarming...

Find out how we plan to use this information to hold people in positions of power accountable through PLVS VLTRA Action Reports through the links below:

There's a lot more connections to Joffe and Sussman that I'll be revealing in the coming days...

We have a lot of work to do, please consider joining us through plvsvltra.org.

Telegram & Twitter link provided below.

I've been working on plvsvltra.org/about/ for a few years now...

We believe by compiling Action Reports in collaboration w/ the Public we can shift the tide and take our country back.

Follow @ImVltra and join us on Telegram:

Confirmed by Ron Wyden on December 15th, 2022...

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