Michael Rae Khoury Profile picture
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor - Elon Musk | https://t.co/glwBmbkUrs | https://t.co/5Bce8O7DTs |🇱🇧 𝕏 🇺🇸|
EricStoner Profile picture Elizabeth Simpson Profile picture 3TW 🐭🕊🐰🐸🇺🇸🍊 Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture You Indict,We're Gonna Vote👇🍊🍊 Profile picture 53 subscribed
Jun 27 4 tweets 2 min read

We don’t have to give our ID to a Foreign Company 🙏🏼
Thank god — h/t: @CensoredMen & @TheOfficial1984 for all the hard work they put in to push back 💪🏼
Jun 25 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you Trust this FOREIGN security company that missed the detection of several 9/11 high-jackers, has close ties to Terrorism + Human Rights Abuses with verifying your ID and having control over your Biometric Data!? 👀

Just Say No to [AU10TIX] 💯 More AU10TIX connections – who's also partnered w/ Ericsson (see article below and my pinned post from 2022)...

We should not accept companies with a history like Ericsson & AU10TIX to be involved in US security!

h/t to @TheOfficial1984 & @CensoredMen
Jun 4 5 tweets 2 min read
This Brings the Whole House Down 💯

Assange has proof of the Securities Fraud 🎯

1933 Securities Act > JFK’s Father was the first SEC Chairman in 1933 after U.S. Bankruptcy > JFK Assasination is the Keystone ⛈️

9/11 > Ericsson transfer of critical infrastructure under Obama/Biden ⚖️

Liklihood of an Election is Slim to None 🚨 More proof 👇🏼
Dec 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Who’s ready for some REALLY DIFFICULT TRUTHS? Image I’m more of a Rip the bandaid off kinda guy… 🤷🏽‍♂️

The next few reports will be 🔥 Image
Dec 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Penn denies allegations of foreign influence at Biden Center after House inquiry to Magill"

Amazing how convenient this resignation is over a bullshit hearing... 👀

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Penn Biden Center that Magill completely dodged & never acknowledged.

Image Penn denies allegations of foreign influence at Biden Center after House inquiry to Magill
Nov 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Seth Rich questions ballot integrity during Election Data Summit in 2015... ☀️

"How do we get better access to data that tells us why ballots are rejected why ballots are cast as provisional so that we can analyze that and then develop better training guides?" 👀

Who killed Seth Rich? 🪃

What did Ron Wyden recently reveal about the DEA and op Hemisphere recently?

Call logs dating to 1987?

MS-13’s Board of Directors that Directed Transnational Criminal Operations dating to 2009 (see quote Tweet)

The Truth will be Revealed... ⚖️

The Clinton Foundation tax case is a civil case, still in tax court, still open. Folo @CFWBers for more...
Nov 25, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🚨 High-Ranking MS-13 Fugitive Arrested on Terrorism Indictment - Defendant Was Influential Member of the Ranfla Nacional, MS-13’s Board of Directors that Directed Transnational Criminal Operations dating to 2009... 👀

John J. Durham is now listed as Assistant US Attorney of the EDNY - where all MS-13 cases are interlinked and now suddenly being prosecuted.

This case was brought by Joint Task Force Vulcan (JTFV), which was created to combat MS-13, led by Assistant United States Attorney John J. Durham of the EDNY

As set forth in the indictment, which was returned on December 16, 2020 and unsealed on January 14, 2021, and related court filings, Canales-Rivera and his co-defendants are part of MS-13’s command and control structure, consisting of the Ranfla Nacional, Ranfla en Las Calles, and Ranfla en Los Penales. They play significant leadership roles in the organization’s operations in El Salvador, Mexico, the United States, and throughout the world.

In total, 27 of the highest-ranking leaders of MS-13 have been charged in the Eastern District of New York in this indictment and the related indictment of United States v. Arevalo-Chavez, et al.

As further alleged, in approximately 2002, Canales-Rivera, his co-defendants, and other MS-13 leaders began establishing a highly-organized, hierarchical command and control structure as a means to effectuate their decisions and enforce their orders, even while in prison.

They directed acts of violence and murder in El Salvador, the United States, and elsewhere, established military-style training camps for its members and obtained military weapons such as rifles, handguns, grenades, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and rocket launchers. Further, beginning in approximately 2012, Canales-Rivera and other members of the Ranfla Nacional negotiated with officials from the government of El Salvador (GOES) and obtaied benefits and concessions from the GOES.

In order to extract those benefits and concessions from GOES, MS-13 engaged in public displays of violence to threaten and intimidate civilian populations, targeted GOES law enforcement and military officials, and manipulated the electoral process in El Salvador. Canales-Rivera played one of the most prominent roles in MS-13’s negotiations and agreements with the GOES.

Additionally, as alleged, the Ranfla Nacional directed the expansion of MS-13 activities around the world, including the United States and Mexico, where several high-ranking leaders were sent to organize operations, make connections to obtain narcotics and firearms from Mexican drug cartels such as the Zetas, Gulf Cartel, Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) and Sinaloa Cartel, and engage in human trafficking and smuggling.

The Ranfla Nacional also directed MS-13’s large membership in the United States to engage in criminal activities, such as drug trafficking and extortion to raise money to support MS-13’s terrorist activities in El Salvador and elsewhere.

Finally, the Ranfla Nacional and MS-13’s transnational leadership structure is alleged to have directed members in the United States to commit acts of violence, including murders, to further its goals and implemented rules that enabled MS-13 to entrench itself in parts of the United States, including within the EDNY where, under the defendants’ leadership and rules, MS-13 has committed numerous acts of violence—including murders, attempted murders, assaults, kidnappings, drug trafficking, extortion of individuals and businesses, obstructed justice and sent dues and the proceeds of criminal activity by wire transfer to MS-13 leaders in El Salvador.

For example, this Office’s Long Island Criminal Division has prosecuted hundreds of MS-13 leaders, members, and associates for carrying out more than 65 murders in the Eastern District of New York between 2009 and the present.

When the indictment was unsealed in January 2021, Canales-Rivera was in custody in El Salvador serving a prison sentence, and the United States lodged an INTERPOL Red Notice and submitted an extradition request for Canales-Rivera to the GOES. 

However, in or about November 2021, Canales-Rivera was released from custody by the GOES and then unlawfully entered Guatemala. Canales-Rivera remained a fugitive until November 7, 2023, when he was apprehended by Mexican authorities.

Considering this may be the head of the (MS-13) snake - what comes from this case should be extremely interesting to say the least... 💯

Image Source for more: justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/h…
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The document titled "Israeli Army Dismisses Unit 8200 Reservists Over Refusal to Assist Intel-Gathering on Palestinians" can be summarized into key points as follows:

Context: The document pertains to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dismissing 43 reservists from its Military Intelligence Unit 8200.

Reason for Dismissal: The reservists were dismissed following their refusal to serve in the Palestinian Territories. This refusal was expressed in a letter sent to the media, which the IDF considered a grave breach of military conduct.

The letter, addressed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen, Benny Gantz, and then head of the IDF's intelligence branch, Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, decried "the main function of 8200 in the territories, which is to control another nation."

"The intelligence that is gathered (in the West Bank) harms innocent people and is used for the purposes of political persecution and violating the privacy of Palestinians,"

"We are conscientiously incapable of continuing to serve this system."

Unit 8200's Role: Unit 8200 is responsible for gathering intelligence that assists the IDF and other security bodies in protecting the citizens of Israel.

Reservists' Objections: The reservists' refusal to serve was based on ethical and moral concerns. They claimed that the intelligence gathered in the West Bank and Gaza Strip harms innocent people, is used for political persecution, and violates the privacy of Palestinians.

IDF's Response: The IDF rejected these claims, emphasizing that Unit 8200 operates under strict ethical and moral guidelines and that any concerns should be addressed through internal channels rather than the media. They stressed that there is no room for refusing orders in the IDF.

"There is no room for refusing orders in the IDF. We take a severe view of the exploitation of military service (by the letter's signatories) to express a political opinion. In light of the conduct of the reserves, which is not in line with what is expected of them, we have decided to end their reserves service in the unit."

Defense Minister's Statement: Moshe Ya'alon, the Defense Minister, responded by praising the unit's officers and soldiers for their dedication and dismissing the reservists' claims as baseless and offensive.

Publication Details: The document was released for public access on February 28, 2017, and contains information from various sources including the Jerusalem Post Online.

This summary captures the main points of the document, focusing on the circumstances leading to the dismissal of the reservists, their objections, and the official response from the IDF and the Defense Minister.

Sources: Official US Intelligence linked below.
Image Source: cia.gov/readingroom/do…

Nov 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In early 2000, federal agencies conducted a counterintelligence investigation to determine if Amdocs was being used by Israel to eavesdrop on U.S. government communications.

Amdocs provides billing software to Bell Atlantic, which provides the phone systems to government buildings, including the White House and the State Department.

This is what the Intelligence community would call "Blocking and Tackling" - I wonder what other Telecom operations took place on 9/11?

Such fantastic "counterintelligence" that on 9/11 Former President George H. W. Bush happened to be attending a conference at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, DC - (the Secret Service should have those records).

Among the guests of honor was investor Shafig Bin Laden, brother of Osama Bin Laden.

Put simply...

There is no way in hell that the Mossad and Israeli intelligence weren't aware of EXACTLY what happened on 9/11 including selling out our critical infrastructure to Ericsson and NeuStar on that day, as well as replacing the phone and VOIP systems in the White House and all Government buildings while the False Flag operation took place on American soil that very day...

The Saudi's are just as bad if not worse - fake Arabs who were financed and funded by the British - who have always owned them.

Our next president needs to be someone who isn't going to play soft ball with these literal Demons, they sacrifice Americans on our own soil and then send our men and women off to a fabricated war to be slaughtered in their war games for more profit.

The longer people in positions of power and influence ignore these indisputable truths: the more you ignore any semblance of justice for all lives lost due to the attacks from that day.

Including and most especially the soldiers who died in the bogus "War on Terror" - where for 17+ years Ericsson sold their Geo-location data to the very "enemies" that the intelligence community and State Department worked to arm, finance and fund.

Read the WikiLeaks Cables or my X Highlights & threads - everything, including war maps, documents and private emails are all there.

Julian Assange should be freed as soon as humanly possible - especially if we want to live in a world and future worth fighting for.

See links below for sources...

Bush Sr. Meets with Bin Laden Family on Behalf of Carlyle Group on 9/11
Nov 14, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
All of Prince Philip’s sisters married Nazis 🪃

Here’s the late Queen Elizabeth II with her uncle Edward — King Edward the VIII (also head of the Church of England) just doing what Fake British-German Nazi’s do 👀

1933 — So many Royal coincidences suddenly coming to light… ☀️

The Cabal — Royals still rule us… 👇🏼
Nov 7, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Ann Dunham (Barack Obama’s mother) worked for the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and also received funding from the World Bank.

Ford Foundation records, Asia Programs, Subject Files of Peter F. Geithner - Timothy Geithner's uncle.

Peter Gaithner supervised Ann Dunham’s Ford Foundation microfinance programs.

George Soros - Quantum Fund...

In 1992, the lead fund, Soros' Quantum Fund, became famous for 'breaking' the Bank of England, forcing it to devalue the pound. Soros had bet his entire fund in a short sale on the ultimately fulfilled prediction that the British currency would drop in value, a coup that netted him a profit of $1 billion,[2] also known as Black Wednesday. In 1997, Soros was blamed for forcing sharp devaluations in Southeast Asian currencies.

BCCI > John Kerry > "Terrorism Financing" coverup via Bank of England - Offshore Trusts (see thread & clip below)...

Frank L. Schiff has served as a director of NeuStar since 2004. Mr. Schiff has served since 2003 as Managing Director of MidOcean U.S. Advisor, L.P., an affiliate of MidOcean Capital Investors, L.P., which is one of our principal stockholders. Prior to his current position, Mr. Schiff was a managing director at DB Capital Partners, a private equity investment firm, from October 1999 to February 2003. Previously, from January 1992 to September 1999, he was a partner at the law firm White & Case LLP. He received his law degree, cum laude, from Cornell Law School and his bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Colorado.

MidOcean Partners also aided Neustar in the execution of two strategic acquisitions. During MidOcean’s ownership. Neustar’s EBITDA grew significantly and the Company successfully completed an IPO on the NYSE in 2005. MidOcean Partners sold its shares in Neustar in the public market.

Melissa Robin Schiff, the daughter of Marlene S. Schiff of New York and the late Dr. Haskel Schiff, was married May 5 to Robert Daniel Soros, a son of Annaliese Soros and George Soros, both of New York. Rabbi Dr. David Posner performed the ceremony at [Temple Emanu-El] in New York.

Temple Emanu-El is on the site of demolished John Jacob Astor IV mega mansion that had been sitting on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 65th Street from 1895.

John Jacob Astor IV (the wealthiest man in America at the time) went down with Titanic in 1912 after "helping his pregnant wife escape into the last lifeboat."

(scrubbed from net>Soros>Hungary>Blinken)

See BCCI affair...
Oct 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Last night on John B Wells show I broke down what's happening with Trumps RICO, what will come to pass and the raw unfiltered reality regarding Israel/Palestine ⚖️

Saving Israel for Last has True Meaning 💯🕍

Difficult Truths will Come to Light ☀️

[Future Proof] ♾ [Bookmark]
Remember... I've been saying I may or may not have left with the Returns of several wealthy elites...

See: from this Thread - the Titles/Deeds/Trusts connected to all this ASTOR > CHASE > Charles Francis Adams

All fraud and documents are no longer public
Oct 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump v. Clinton ⚖️

NeuStar/Ericsson & the Civil RICO Case of the Century

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act

18 U.S. Code § 1962 - Prohibited activities ☀️

See listed Plaintiffs - It's all still on the board 💯

John Durham Jr. is a RICO Prosecutor 👀

GA Case(s) Breakdown:
Oct 8, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Did you know Donald Trump owns a 200 yr leasehold on 40 Wall Street?

What is so significant about this property & its history regarding the Federal Reserve?

The Bank of Manhattan Trust building in 1929-1930 was the headquarters of the Manhattan Company.

1933 US Bankruptcy..?

Image Did JFK know about the 1933 Bankruptcy?

What positions did his father Joe have?
Sep 11, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
9/11 Predictive Programming Ads/Images Thread 🧵

Pakistan International Airlines ad from 1979 Image Jose Borja Asi Sufre Latino America - 1983 Image
Aug 13, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
We Are Being Controlled 😵‍💫 MK-ULTRA Never Ended.
Project MKULTRA (also known as MK-ULTRA) was the code name for a CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s.

Many people claim that this… https://t.co/9iZmBHbhwJtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Image Control People's Behavior - Illegal & Unethical

Research at Universities

Mind Control Methods
Tools the CIA uses to control people:

Light Pulses
Flickering light pulses, when deployed in a specific pattern & timing, can be used to induce emotions and controlled behaviors.… https://t.co/CUGP1Tsoaxtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Jul 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨 WTC 1993 Bombing *PLEASE SHARE* 🚨

Looking for Whistleblowers with more information regarding the Technology installed on level B2 of the WTC pre February 26, 1993 and information regarding Ericsson taking over control (+access) of 911 EMS bandwidth channels via HAM radio in… https://t.co/oqh9S27UQa https://t.co/S79yllfQhgtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Image Rod Rosenstein Tax Division _ DOJ 2001 - 2005
FBI Original Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 - 2005

Grand Jury empaneled
Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 - 2003
Comey takeover of investigation in 2002
Dir of FBI 2002 _… https://t.co/DrNXhEOuwj https://t.co/rqbYatntqcjustice.gov/archive/tax/tx…

Jul 19, 2023 18 tweets 14 min read
< Black Ops 101 >

The Dark Truth About the CIA ☠️ FULL THREAD 🧵

Many people think that the CIA is a patriotic organization that protects Americans from danger, and informs the President about what's happening in the world so he can make good decisions. But that couldn't be… https://t.co/8cr3oLJq9Gtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Image How It Started:

Queen Elizabeth Gets Jealous
In the 1500s, Spain was getting rich colonizing America, and the original Queen Elizabeth was feeling left behind. So she authorized a practice called “privateering”, which is essentially a legal version of piracy - where she would… https://t.co/pALakIL7hftwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Jul 12, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
The Cabal - Royals still rule us...

>The Bloodline<

House Wettin, aka House Coburg and Saxe Gotha is a supremely powerful Germanic medieval bloodline dating back to 900AD.

All the monarchs of Europe are either directly descended or directly related to this bloodline. This… https://t.co/oo8G4H1peTtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
It's NOT just a formality. They are REAL monarchs.

The current crop of monarchs is nowhere near as ruthless or intelligent as their predecessors. But the institution of the monarchy is the glue that holds the “deep state” together. Without the legal foundation the monarchy… https://t.co/yNfYM2KB5Rtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In case you’re still struggling with what we (the Q Team) pulled off..? 👻🎯

What is the Report from Iron Mountain!? 🎻


[Iron Mountain] AS [Enron] — Who has it all?


History in the Making… 👀

[Future Proofs] - [Place Holder] 👻 Image
Jun 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
twitter.com/i/spaces/1DXxy… DNA — Resonance Frequency — We are Light — Vibration, Frequency, Energy ⚡️🧬🧠