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May 5, 2022, 6 tweets

So, according to @RadioTimes, Oscar Isaac, May Calamawy, and Ethan Hawke say there are no official plans for a #MoonKnight Season 2 (that they’re aware of). But all hope is not lost! They’d all be happy to return to continue the story if Marvel gives them a call.

Oscar would love to play Steven again.

“I love being Steven. I just love it. It's just like, physically, it's so much fun to be him. So, you know, if there was a story that really made sense, I'd be happy to be part of it.”

May said she’d be willing to return, too.

“If there [are plans], I'm yet to hear. If there were, I would, yeah, I'd consider returning. Of course.”

And Ethan, of course, wouldn’t mind playing Harrow again (if that’s even possible).

“Do you want to play the same character for long periods of time? Most actors don't. But if you're making audiences happy, your opinion changes.”

Director Mohamed Diab told @Collider he thinks Marvel wants to keep Moon Knight around.

“WandaVision was great and you didn't get a second season, you went to something else. So what I'm absolutely sure of is that Moon Knight is staying for a long time, in my opinion."

So, what do you think? Should #MoonKnight have a second season? Maybe a movie? Or do you think it should stand alone as a one-time limited series?

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