Parveen Kaswan Profile picture
#Conservation. #IISc Bangalore alumnus. BTech #Aerospace. Masters in Design. PGD in #Forestry. #Explorer. Personal a/c

May 5, 2022, 11 tweets

The most beautiful thing you will watch today. Great #Hornbill male is feeding the female who has locked her inside nest. This he will do for months !!

This is a story about hornbills which are perfect couple and which are also called as Gardner of the forest. How ?

There are 9 species of hornbills found in India. From Great to Grey. Hornbills are generally monogamous. The pair lasts long. Here a Wreathed Hornbill couple.

They move together and live very long.

When the couple is expecting they go shopping for a house. A nest.

It can be a natural cavity in a tree or nest of some other bird or their old nest.

After finding that house the female will enter. She will occupy the nest and will seal the nest from inside with whatever material is available. Just a small slit will be kept for open food. Like this one. A female hornbill is inside it.

Now time will test them. The lady will stay inside for next 3-4 months with just small opening in nest. Looking outside & waiting for husband. Soon with kids.

So now male will roam around the forest. Collect the food and bring it to the family. As the kids grow, he has to increase frequency of the trips. This is his daily job, many times a day. He need to feed himself & collect everything for family.

Not all fruits are delivered, some simply get dropped on the floor while the exchange takes place. They swallow the fruits as whole and in this process the seeds are taken to long distances. Male remain nearby nest. If male doesn't come or gets poached the family dies waiting.

They swallow the fruits as whole. They spread them wherever they are going and they especially where there are nests.

Just example. Seeds of different species of trees below three such tree with hornbill nests. They will soon grow. This is how nature manages the forest.

All pictures and videos are taken by me. It took quite some time in collecting all.

Clearly they are couple goals.…

Thank you all for the good response. The story is published in all national dailies. That is the purpose of such documentation. It is not about the good pictures but about the process.

The total documentation is spread across many days. Including camping. But it was worth it.

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