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Long term FA plays: $QNT $RNDR $PORTAL $LINK $SEI $AZERO $TAO $NMT $OLAS $AVAX and a bunch of micro caps for max R/R this cycle

May 5, 2022, 13 tweets

A thread 🧵 on the role of $QNT into connecting quadrillions of legacy payments to DLT based infrastructures🔗💵💶💷💴



One of the most overlooked feature of Overledger is the capability of INTEGRATING with existing legacy systems (ingrediënt 1📸)

A very important feauture since most of the worlds value is still ‘locked’ in it🔐

Some Defi en Tradfi numbers✖️:


TvL crypto (05 may 2022): 204 billion💲(source: DefiLlama)

The assets of financial institutions worldwide amounts to approx 1,54 quadrillion💲(source: McKinsey)

The global🌎 amount of financial transactions is a multitude of that (quadrillions a year changes accounts💰)


These transactions are currently locked for 99% in our current existing legacy systems💾

Two of the biggest legacy payment ‘methods’ are SWIFT and RTGS (Real- Time Gross Settlement)

What exactly is te difference?🤔


To say it it simple:

1. SWIFT is used by banks for sending funds to other banks internationally (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿->🇺🇸)

2. RTGS is used for transfer of funds WITHIN a country (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿->🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)


These RTGS systems are NOT being replaced by DLT tech (100s of million have been spend) but are being made blockchain compatible⌛️

$QNT is the ONLY crypto meeting the demands of Central Banks 🏦 of connecting these RTGS quadrillions from legacy systems to the blockchain.


So when $QNT says they make CBDCs interopable this means:

2. CBDC <> CBDC on different dlt, regions.

Both are on its own trillion dollar usecases per Central Bank🏦

Now the juice. Which RTGS are linked to $QNT and how much do they settle🤑👇🏻?


Bank of Engeland RTGS 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Hometown of CEO Gilbert Verdian, who was the BoE previous Chief Security Officer (CSO)🧑‍🏫

✅BoE settles approx 334$ trillion❗️in RTGS a year. Just 1 CB🤔

📸1 -> I wonder who offers a battletested API platform made for exact this usecase😉


The Swiss National Bank🇨🇭

“By 2018, 325 financial institutions participated in the SIC (RTGS). The system processes an average of 2.4 million tx every day💶"

Yearly volume:€62,78 trillion🔥

SDX is upgrading the swiss RTGS system (Helvetia). Learn more in tweet by Seq👇🏻


SIA is one of of a handfull companies which designs, develops and manages RTGS infrastructure for central banks (some examples attached 🇨🇦🇩🇰🇸🇪🇮🇸🇳🇿👇🏻)

$QNT is SIA’s only partner capable of interoperating RTGS to blockchain😉


For those new📰:

$QNT is integrated into SIA: 580 banks (biggest crypto integration to date)🔥

1st of 12 dapps is called SPUNTA.

These dapps are unrelated to SIA’s RTGS implementations.

SIA and NEXI recently merged and overtook SWIFT as the biggest payment group in🇪🇺



- $QNT is the ONLY crypto interoperating CBDC, stablecoins etc to RTGS (quadrillions)💰

- SIA (bigger than SWIFT in 🇪🇺) upgrades these and partnered with $QNT for DLT compatibility

- There are many more legacy systems in ANY branche that need DLT compatibility🔥


If you liked it, please retweet it 💪🏻
Much appreciated!

#Interoperability #dltapigateway #RTGS #SWIFT #quadrillion #quantnetwork


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