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May 6, 2022, 7 tweets

Although the Conservatives have lost more than 100 seats in the local elections, this does not translate into total triumph for Labour, Sky News analysis shows.

Here’s the story of the #LocalElections2022 so far in charts 👇🗳

🔵Tory losses were felt most heavily in the south of England, in areas which were largely won by the 🟡 Lib Dems and other parties, most notably the 🟢 Greens.

🔴 Labour made ground in the East, but lost vote share in every other part of England apart from London

↗ This graph shows the significance of Labour’s win in Wandsworth, which had been in Tory hands since 1978.

🔴 Labour's victory there reflects its increasing electoral dominance in the capital - where it also won Barnet and Westminster

While the 🔵 Conservatives saw a drop in support in the south of England for 🔴 Labour – Labour has seen a larger drop in the north ⬇

A rise in Lib Dem 🟡 support across England has seen the party winning Hull from Labour, and gaining elsewhere

This graph gives an overall picture of the losses and gains across England during the #LocalElections2022 🗳

For the most up to date results – head here 👇

Sky News analysis of hundreds of ward results shows that the Tories are still increasing their share of the vote in areas where more people voted to Leave the EU❌🗳

Continue to follow the #LocalElections2022 results here 👇

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