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The #Lyme disease community's leading source for news, insight and advocacy. Publisher of The Lyme Times, creator of MyLymeData. A 501(c)(3) organization.

May 6, 2022, 22 tweets

Mark J. Soloski, PhD. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth

Mark J. Soloski, PhD
Lyme disease is found in the temperate zones throughout the world.

Mark J. Soloski, PhD
Lyme disease has been around for 5,300+ years.
It was found in an Italian Ice man. More about that here:…

Mark J. Soloski, PhD #LymeDiseaseAwarenessMonth
Ticks are not born with Lyme disease but acquire it by feeding on an infected mammal. In the East the white footed mouse is the primary vector for Lyme.

Mark J. Soloski, PhD
In some areas up to 95% of mice are infected with Lyme

Mark J. Soloski, PhD
Ticks carry many infectious agents.

Mark J. Soloski, PhD
Relapsing fever Borreliosis

Mark J. Soloski, PhD

Mark Soloski, Phd
Powassan Virus

Mark Soloski, Phd
the Lone start tick carries several pathogens

Mark Soloski, Phd

Mark Soloski, Phd

Mark Soloski, Phd

Mark Soloski, Phd
Alpha-gal Syndrome an allergy to red meat caused by the bite of the Lone star tick.

Mark Soloski, Phd
Heartland and Bourbon Viruses are also transmitted by the Lone star tick.

Mark Soloski, Phd
Now talking about the Dog tick

Mark Soloski, Phd
the dog tick carries Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated early.

Mark Soloski, Phd
The Asian longhorn tick has been recently found on the East coast.

Mark Soloski, Phd
Personal protection is key to preventing Lyme and these other tick-borne diseases.

Mark Soloski, Phd
Environmental control can help reduce the number of ticks on your property.

Mark Soloski, Phd
What's on the horizon?

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