Olga Onuch (Онух) Profile picture
Professor Comparative & Ukrainian Politics @OfficialUoM Democracy@War📚Zelensky Effect @IBIFUkraine Prev @HURI_Harvard @NuffieldCollege @politics_oxford @uoft

May 8, 2022, 7 tweets

A Mother’s Day like no other for Ukrainians. @ZelenskyyUa posted photos of Ukrainian mothers today to honor them and all Ukrainians fighting for their freedom. 🧵photo credit Juan Carlos #StandWithUkraine #MotherhoodInTimesOfWar #MothersDay #ДеньМатері

A Mother’s Day like no other for Ukrainians. «Рідна мати моя, ти ночей не доспала,
Ти водила мене у поля край села.»🧵photo credit Juan Carlos #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #RussianWarCrimes #MothersDay #DisplacedUkrainians

Mother’s Day like no other in Ukraine. «І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала» 🧵photo credit Aris Messinis #StandWithUkraine #MothersDay #ДеньМатері #DzieńMatki #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine #DissplacedPeopleofUkraine #ChildhoodAtWar #StopRussia

A Mother’s Day like no other in Ukraine. «І рушник вишиваний на щастя, на долю дала.» 🧵photo credit Chris McGrath. #StandWithUkraine #UkrainianFeministCollective #QueenOlgaTribe #КнягиняОльгаTribe #RussianWarCrimes

A #MothersDay like no other in Ukraine. «І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала,
І рушник вишиваний на щастя, на долю дала.» 🧵photo credit Wolfgang Schwan #StandWithUkraine #ДеньМатері #MothersDay #SaveAzovstal #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine

Poem cited in🧵is by #AndriyMalyshko «Dearest Mother of Mine, you had many sleepless nights
You led me to the fields next to the village
And on my long journey, you saw me off at dawn
And gave me an embroidered towel for luck» #StandWithUkraine #MothersDay photo credit Erin Treib

Correction this photo is by Alex Lourie

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